Okay people, does anyone know of anyone with a Shrink Ray? Or perhaps someone with a ‘stunting growth’ serum that they might like to send my way? Or perhaps some sort of device to freeze time, or slow it down a tad? I would love it if you could find it in your hearts to help me out. My children are getting too big too fast, and time needs to S-L-O-W down already.
My 9 month old is in the final stretch towards becoming an official one-year old. She’s trying to let go of things she climbs up onto and wants to walk. She’s sounding out words like ‘da da’, ‘ma ma’, ‘na na’, ‘ba ba’, and is lightning fast in crawling and communicates SO well.
My 3 year old, well, I’ve blogged about his intelligence before. What happened to him? Wasn’t he just my youngest’s size yesterday? He sings songs, is writing letters, recognizes letters and numbers and counts forwards and backwards.
My two 7 year olds, when did they become so smart? They read everything to me daily. They have mastered addition and subtraction equations, are learning more difficult subjects in the second grade, and are just all-around freaking me out with some of the things they come out with as of late. “I was just being sarcastic, mom.”
What? When was that word taught to you? And that whole not-wanting-to-kiss-mom-on-the-mouth-in-public thing my 7 year old son does now has got to go! ๐
My 12 year old I don’t think I need to elaborate on as to why she needs to stop growing. She’s now 5’1 and when she tries on my heels she’s as tall as me. That scares me. She can not only wear my clothing, but also her 7 year old sister’s clothing (the bigger stuff I’ve already bought, size 10-12). She listens to music and sings to herself constantly, and is attached at the hip to her best friend who lives a block over, riding her bike, scooter and skating on her Heelys over there every afternoon after school. She has grown into a pre-teen and you can see hints of woman in her. It won’t be long before she gets her ‘friend’ and the mood swings begin, or have they already started?
Alright, already! Anytime someone wants to ship that Shrink Ray, let me know, I’ve got the checkbook ready for you!