Yeah, ya aren’t gonna get dinner anytime soon if you forget to turn on the burner, silly momma! *smacks forehead* D’OH!!!
So dinner is/was late. Cuz I’m a dumb butt 😛 Ah well, it was good nonetheless. Organic Chicken and Homemade Gravy with Rice and mixed vegetables. My husband is going to love leftovers for lunch tomorrow, I made enough for an army, heh. And my belly is F.U.L.L., even though I had a small portion. Which could mean its just bloat. And for me, that isn’t good, not in the least. Especially when I still have to go run out this evening, kidlets in tow, since hubby is at a night jump and won’t be home til the wee hours of the morning. 🙁
Can’t win em all. But hey, the blog is working again!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!