My 18 month old (as of tomorrow), while throwing a fit because my husband had to run out this morning, turned and punched me in the eye, propelling my contact at warp speed out of my eye, luckily into my hand. She is such a ball of energy, smiling ear to ear. While not very talkative, she understands almost everything you say. I think she’s just lazy in terms of not wanting to speak. But she’s such a girly girl, loving to feed her babies and hug them.
My 4 year old, in expediting my husband to cut the watermelon quickly, tells him the best way to cut it is to ‘throw it on the ground’. He will start Pre-K next month. My husband and I are optimistic he will excel in school, but sad because he’s getting so big.
It has been discovered today that not a single solitary one of my children likes pumpernickel bread. My 12 year old at least took a couple bites before deciding that fact. My 4 year old, after studying it to ensure it wasn’t just a burnt piece of toast, did try a few bites as well, but also decided against liking it. My 18 month old did, and after chewing it, spit it out onto the carpet and wiped off her tongue.
My 8 year old son doesn’t seem to understand the idea that, if any door leading to the outside is open, it’s going to let flying insects in, along with heat while we have the air-conditioning on. Despite this inability to understand that fact, he’s swimming quite strongly, eagerly wanting to learn to do tricks, despite not knowing fully how to tread water or do a proper breast stroke yet.
My soon-to-be 8 year old daughter has been hosting camp-outs in her room with sleeping bags, indoor tents, and pillow fights. She, too, is swimming well, and is intent on perfecting her handwriting before she enters the 3rd grade.
My 12 year old has been having so many sleepovers as of late, because we’re moving out of state, that I probably wouldn’t even know if a friend of hers happened to hide themselves in one of our suitcases to come along, there have been so many here. She is eager to travel, though. She has definitely been bitten by the ‘travel bug’.
Each of them have been working diligently in their summer workbooks during inside time, determined not to lose the knowledge they gained this past school year.
Summer will be shortened by 3 weeks this year because of where we’re moving to and school starting earlier than when it does here, and I’ll be sad to see it go. Our summer these past two weeks, albeit busy, is one I will miss upon ending. It’s been a lot of fun thus far, despite all the work we have done and have yet to do to get this move going.