Halloween is that time of year for costumes and parties and goodies galore. We like to decorate (who am I kidding, I decorate for every holiday!) and in gearing up for the ‘big day’, we start digging into our dress up trunk in the playroom, which holds old Halloween costumes and stuff we’ve collected for the trunk. We have entirely too much fun pretending to be other things all the time, but our dress up trunk really gets a lot of use around this time of year, as the kids can’t wait to get started.
This year, while we were going through our outside storage unit, we found a costume I’d made for my 8 year old son when he was 3. My 4 year old son gravitated to it, had to put it on, and has had it on everyday since. Muscle Man!!!
My toddler has been getting in on the action as well, wearing a costume from last year- a horse. She doesn’t really get the whole dressing up in costume thing yet, but she’s all about hanging out with her siblings and doing what they do, to include putting on their shoes 🙂
My 8 year olds have also gotten in on it, too. It’s so much fun to be a kid. No one will look at you weird, you’re a kid. You’re in a costume.
If I took them to Walmart or something dressed like this on any regular day NOT Halloween, no one would look at them strange. They’re kids. It’s expected of them. But if I showed up dressed like a ninja, or a princess, they’d be hauling my butt to the nearest psych ward, or I’d be getting some seriously strange looks.
So I guess showing up to Walmart in my kids’ firemen’s hat is out of the question then? Ah well. At least I can dress up the wee one, even if it’s only in a ball cap and newborn sneakers. He he he.
Yeah. Mommy’s having fun too 🙂
Meet Lisa!
Hi, I’m Lisa! Welcome to my perfectly imperfect corner of the web where I've chronicled my life as a mom to "eleventy-billion" kids since 2007! Here I share posts with our family-friendly recipes, crafts and creating art, traveling as a big family, reliving my youth endlessly dancing to 90's music, and documenting our adventurous life while sipping coffee and basking in the delicious Colorado sunshine.