It can really put things into perspective, an event such as this. It can make you suddenly see things you might not have seen before.
The pressure is still there (I have to post this article, gotta take a picture of this review), but I can’t force it, even if I wanted to now. Whatever happens is going to happen. There is no guarantee I will even have this dinosaur tomorrow, so I just have to do what I can, when I can.
That in itself is an amazing feeling – to give myself the gift of time. A break, in more ways than one.
We had quite the busy weekend, and there’s so much more to come this week, to include our son’s birthday party we’re having early because his birthday falls 2 days after Christmas.
All in all, it may have royally bit us hard in the hind side for this to happen, but I do feel it was meant to happen for a reason.
I feel so much like a survivor right now. Having survived so much in my life, and the hits keep coming and I keep surviving them, you know? Perhaps I’ll be able to talk more about that soon (God willing I still have this computer!). There is so much we need to be thankful for, and I’m going to do my darndest to stay focused on that.
My “surviving” is surviving the end-of-Christmas-rush, along with this electronic meltdown. What are you surviving right now? I want to hear about it, big or small, whether it’s a hangnail or a car accident, I want to know. I think we could all use some reminders of how lucky we are.. no?