Neighbor awakens me, banging on our door. By the time I put the baby down and answer, and try to begin to wake my mind up as to why someone’s at the door at this ungodly hour, I open it to find he’s got a look of horror on his face. “Not sure you want to stay in there.”
My mind immediately races. Is my house on fire? Is it being overrun by Black Widows? Is someone breaking in?
They were awoken by the sound of it falling, as it crashed into their back yard.
We just became very, very lucky.
Lucky that this happened at 4am and our children weren’t outside.
Lucky that it went out more than it went on.
Lucky our children weren’t underneath when it happened.
This was the tree they hung out of. The tree they played under. It is, after all, right behind our house. They’re in the backyard every. day.
Where our families get together and set up the pools…
There are no words for this. For the rush that comes over you when you realize how lucky you are, that the worst case scenario didn’t take your children’s lives but could’ve.
Oh and added bonus? Is the giant snake coiled up inside the tree they found. Alive.
We win.
Reasons 67574765672454309813245 why we have to move. Can we leave now?
Check please?
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