This was me, Friday night. Well, this was him Friday night.
First it was the croup, which led me to the doctor’s appointment he had yesterday. Double-ear infection she said. Surprise! Home with fluorescent pink chilled liquid and it was like a switch was flipped, suddenly his barking cough turned to mucus, and his nose and eyes were flowing like a river, and the noises coming from his mouth became worse and worse.
I had to take him in, despite not wanting to endure a long wait. Pink liquid or not, something wasn’t right.
Four exhausting hours later, his lungs are clear, his temp is low, his ears look okay (strangely enough), and the flu test was negative. Diagnosis? Upper respiratory infection aka Virus That Has To Run It’s Course. Lovely.
The doctor was cool, though. His 30-some-odd years as an MD, he balked the new “no cold meds for babies” rule and told me, off the record, the dosages for my son for Dimetapp and Robitussin DM to help alleviate his symptoms. *doctorly fist bump*
Me? I’m missing soccer games to stay home with Baby Dude, in hopes he gets better soon. Pardon me if I appear unkempt, highly caffeinated and in need of a shower. It’s been a tough week.
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