The air was brisk in the shade today, despite the sun smiling it’s bright smile. A slight wind whisked a few wisps out of my face while I bent over to push Baby Dude on the tricycle. The sun shone like a special Christmas gift just for me, helping fight off the chill from the shade. It was then I saw it, laying in the stiff dirt.
New growth.
Despite the packed dirt and horrible planting by the contractors, somehow these seeds found a way to grow anyway, despite the carcasses of some of their friends, dried, laying on top of the hardened mud.
These sprouts signify my family today. We received a flurry of calls from doctors earlier – we are in the clear, both myself and my son. I don’t think I can begin to explain to you how grateful I am for that bit of news.
I don’t think grass has ever looked more beautiful.
(I guess my daughter’s lucky find on the soccer field the other day helped us, huh?)
(I also think all of your thoughts and prayers helped us, too. How can I ever thank you?)
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