I love that feeling of invincibility when your child comes up to you with a problem you are able to solve in a matter of seconds. “Mooom! Can you fix my water gun! It’s bwote (broke)!” And with the flick of your hand, the plastic stopper is back in, and you’re a super hero in the eyes of your child. Awesome.
There are a lot of things that I don’t know – about life and the world – but what I do know? Kids are pretty spectacular, magical beings. That fantastic combination of you and your loved one, all mix-matched into this tiny adorable human you get to dress-up and call your own. They amaze me every day with their awesomeosity and ridiculously fun things they do. And with the warmer weather coming, I feel myself being beckoned back into being a child myself.
I spend my days on the trampoline, blowing bubbles, flying kites, playing in the sprinklers, drawing chalk designs on the driveway, painting or coloring, water gun fights (OMG SO FUN), or cuddled on the couch. The weather right now is absolutely perfect – not too hot or too cold – and I seriously want to stay in these springtime moments forever.
We just finished up our Easter break, having spent a good amount of time with our annual planting and a good spring cleaning (which also makes me feel like an invincible super hero). Now that the house is pretty immaculate inside and out, it leaves me with more time to play with the kids, which is just fine by me.