Born and raised in New York, Lisa Douglas grew up with a hearty sense of adventure, moving all over the US as an Army wife, finally settling in Colorado with her “eleventy billion” kids. Once a business management major, Lisa now uses her management skills to keep kids’ soccer practices and extra curricular schedules in order, all while keeping her big family organized without losing her ever-loving mind.
As the founder of Crazy Adventures in Parenting and mom to many, Lisa’s vast parenting experience has allowed her to cover a large variety of parenting and lifestyle topics with tips and tricks important to her predominantly female audience. Lisa shares humorous parental war-stories, deliciously easy family-friendly recipes, capturing hilarious family antics on video, fitting in fitness for busy moms, and so much more. Lisa’s on a journey to savor every “small” moment, finding the humor and the joy in every parenting stage, even dirty diapers, pre-teen hormones, and never-ending smelly teenage laundry. Openly documenting her life, she finds sanity in gardening, baking cookies, working out so she can eat, uh, bake more cookies, traveling with her family, and writing about all her parenting (mis)adventures.
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