I really do believe that God works in mysterious ways. Things happen, you feel are against you, but then they turn out to be blessings in disguise. For instance, I was meeting a lady off of Craigslist this morning to get a bookcase, full/queen headboard and rails from her for free. I had asked for directions before I left, via email, but she didn’t respond, just gave her phone #. My phone battery was low in the car, and that made me a little anxious, but I pressed on. When I did call her (3 times, in fact, because I was not where I was supposed to be to get to her, from the way she was leading me), she was vague in directions because she was very new to the area, misdirecting me (not purposely) because she didn’t know with certainty road names, etc. I knew enough to finally find her, but not after I was getting aggravated since it had been over an hour, when it should’ve only taken 30 minutes to get there. The kids were becoming ornery, and hungry. But then I get to her house. Beautiful home. Beautiful neighborhood. Beautiful day to venture around town and be out! And the stuff, even MORE beautiful! The bookshelf ended up being a BIG one, with 5 shelves, and not a little 2 shelf one I had envisioned, and in fabulous condition. And the headboard, real wood, protected over the years, nice and glossy and just BEAUTIFUL, 12 years old. And she was blessing me with these items, for FREE! How lucky could I be? Then she discussed with me what’s going on with her, and how she was afraid to even list things, that there was a report of a lady being killed answering a response on Craigslist. That stopped me in my tracks. What kind of world do we live in today where things like that happen? Seriously? That scared me just as much as it scared her! She was relieved to see me, my babies, who we are, and know that we weren’t misleading her. I now understand her not giving me directions in my email, and now understand why I wasn’t given the right directions – since she was new to the area. And it all made perfect sense. I’m so glad how it turned out.
So then, after we left, I stopped at Sonic to get some breakfast-to-go. We were hungry, and I wanted to bring a late breakfast to someone I was visiting this morning. I tried to go with something plain, a bacon egg and cheese burrito-y thing. Not exactly the pillar of health, but it was on the go, the morning was ticking away, and I was hungry and thirsty and running behind. Got my 3 year old some chicken and tater tots, again not the most healthy, but he didn’t want eggs or anything, nor did they really have anything breakfasty for children anyway. So I open up my burrito and take a bite – what is this? Onions? Peppers? Ooh, is that a tater tot? Tomato? Whoa nelly! Is that seasoning, its kinda spicy! And then I realize, they gave me the wrong burrito, it was their surpreme something-or-other, and it was SO MUCH BETTER than what I was going to get! It had Jalapenos, something I’m not used to, but they really made it super good! Plus, they had regular coffee offered on the menu, and while I wanted/needed it, I had *really* wanted a frozen coffee (something I treat myself to now and again when ordering out) instead of the sweet tea I ordered. So while eating my burrito I glance over and see their ad displayed for their new frozen coffees, Java somethings. So I said, what the heck, and I ordered one. That evil sign, calling me, inviting me to order one, even though I’d already ordered. Ha! It taunted me and I gave in. So very glad I did. HELLO TASTE BUDS, it was FAB-U-LOUS!
So yeah, happy little accidents/mistakes can really take a day that could’ve been a bad one, and make it something to be excited about!
Other joyous/happy/funny things:
*Found a hydroponic/organic gardening store, along with an Alternative Health center! Woohoo!
*Found the dance studio that we want to take ballroom dancing at!
*Saw a sign for a palm reader that was spelled wrong, spelled “Spiritaul Reader” and it made me giggle and snort
*Saw a sign for “Bimbo Ln” and it made me giggle harder
Lastly, today is Halloween. Today my children will dress up in costumes, get all hyper and visit neighbors collecting bags of preservatives, additives, food coloring and junk, cleverly wrapped and packaged enticing children to act like wild animals when consuming such “treats”. And then, after said visits, I will bring those same hyper children back home and swap out the junk for the “good” stuff I have here, that is safe and won’t cause them to spaz. Um, spaz any moreso than they are from the excitement of the holiday by adding junk into the mix, that is.
Happy Halloween! Trick or treat!
Thoughts for next Halloween : Green Halloween!
How fun was that post! I love happy mistakes and surprises. And did you make a haul with that lady or what?>>I actually read the article about the craigslist lady. She went to this guys house in response to a babysitting ad and he killed her. Sorry to be graphic but we all need to be safe and make sure you take someone with you if you meet with someone!>>Have lots of fun tonight and be safe with your little goblins!