My 9 month old, soon to be 10 month old (this weekend) is the fastest crawler I have *ever* seen. Seriously, is there a Baby Crawling Olympics? If so, we’re there. She’s the Gold Medal winner. But it suddenly gets me thinking – where the heck did that baby go? I mean, sure, she’s still a baby, but when did this full-blown Speedy Gonzalez toddler come from? Where is my itty bitty? Seeing her little cloth diaper butt cruising across the floor only makes me anxious at how big she’s getting in such a short time. She’ll be 10 months this weekend. I feel more gray hairs forming. Funny how kids can do that, eh?
Then there’s this Homecoming Dance my oldest went to. When the heck did I get a daughter old enough to go to a Homecoming Dance in Junior High? How did that happen?
Alright people. Who’s got the Shrink Ray?
I know, I’ve gotten a few grey hairs since my baby turned 2. He’s literally out of his mind with mischief and being soooo disagreeable. 🙂 Lord help me.>>Come on by to enter my Give-aways…
I looked for it, Lisa, I did. But, alas, it is still missing. 😉>>Thats funny that you mention this though because my BABY is turning 7 tomorrow. I find myself looking at him and wondering if its wrong to still want to cuddle him and stuff. >>Take lots of pictures to remember this moment.