So once I get a picture of it, my 7 year old made me a “Best Mom Award” trophy for my birthday this morning 🙂 Day can’t start off any better when she has her trick-or-treating bag filled with things she wants to give me, literally slept with it, so eager to give me gifts. She’s a doll, really. Had to put the softy socks on me while I cooked her breakfast this morning (I’m addicted to warm fuzzy socks).
Today we are having a pre-thanksgiving meal with ham, apple pie, homemade smashed potatoes, creamed spinach, cranberry sauce.. I know I’m forgetting things, but I can’t recall what else. I can blame it on my age, after all, today I did turn a year older! 😉
Its at Thanksgiving that people truly start to realize that Christmas is just around the corner. I truly love the spirit of this time of year, how giving everyone is, happy (generally) and the love that is shown. I wish it could be like this all year long.
I hope you take time today to not only be thankful for everything and everyone you have, but to make someone else thankful as well for what they have. If they aren’t, help give them something to be thankful about. Adopt a needy family for the holiday. Have lonely people over for the holiday who would’ve been spending it alone. We’re having single soldiers come again this year. In fact, the chaplain sent our invite out group-wide. Thank goodness we’ve got a bigger table than last year, hee hee 🙂
Enjoy your day today, enjoy the prep you’re taking in gearing up for the big Turkey Day, and stop and smell the fresh air and be thankful for that breath, be thankful for being alive, for spending it with loved ones, and really drink it in. Don’t forget to spread that thankfulness and joy!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! May it be your best yet.>>I don’t know what it is about 5-7 year olds, but their little hearts are so big! My little guy (7) also just bursts to give gifts and gets so excited when he has something to share.>>I am very thankful today, thank you for the reminder. Enjoy your pre-meal and your feast tomorrow!
Thanks Kelly Jene! Have a happy thanksgiving yourself! 🙂