It’s that time of year – the season of giving. Our paper posts a “Christmas Opportunity” each day, telling the story of a family that is offered to be ‘adopted’ for Christmas. Each comes with a different sad story, one that, as empathetic as I am, hurts my heart to read. I have so much to give. So much I want to do for everyone. But my adult ADD starts to interfere and I take on too much. I need to just put my Supermom cape away and just roll up my sleeves and get on it. Get the blankets done for Operation Linus. Get the bags seperated and ready to donate the clothes to local shelters. Get the gifts boxed up and ready to bring down to the Salvation Army. Speaking of Salvation Army, help me donate this year with my online red kettle, won’t you?
Please pass this above link to others. We could all help spread the word and contributions to those who need it.
Now, what are YOU doing this holiday season to help those less fortunate? I’d love to hear your plans!