Flylady is in the kitchen this week. We’ve only lived here a month, and this house was built brand new. Some of the cob web-type things she wants us to accomplish aren’t there with having lived here so little, yet. So I’m doing my ‘own thang’. Got the oil changed today, finally, and they vacuumed out my car, filled my car tires up, changed my air filter, etc. I’m gonna complete the task a whole day early (usually I do it tomorrow) and finish the car. I’m also going to tackle the kids rooms. Our families are screaming at us for not getting pictures of the new house so I might as well get those done too 🙂
I’m also going to start “tackling” charity work. We’re going to make blankets for Operation Linus. I also want to get donations ready for the family we’ll adopt this Christmas, along with donations to local shelters for items they will need. I also light-bulbed on the way home from driving my children to school an idea of asking the local town if they want/need help planting trees anywhere. Figured we could help beautify the town and get our hands into the earth while teaching an important lesson 🙂
I used to own this poster when in college that really stuck with me, I loved what it had to say. So I copied it into a word document when the poster got ruined, and I’d like to share it with you:
Love is like wildflowers.
It’s often found in the most unlikely places.
To get more out of life, give more of yourself.
Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb.
That’s where the fruit is.
You’ll learn more about a road by traveling it than by
consulting all the maps in the world.
When fate shuts a door,
come in through the window.
No failure is ever final – nor is any success.
If you’re doing your best,
you won’t have time to worry about failure.
Dreams come true
for those who work while they dream.
No one is guaranteed happiness.
Life just gives us time and space. It’s up to us
to fill it with joy and meaning.
Do for others with no desire of returned favors.
We all should plant some trees we’ll never sit under.
True wealth is what you are, not what you have.
Almost all of our unhappiness is the result of
comparing ourselves to others.
We can’t do much about our appearance,
but we have total control
over the kind of person we become.
To change everything, simply change your attitude.
Sometimes the heart
sees what is invisible to the eye.
Carrying a grudge is like a run in a stocking – it can
only get worse. Forgiveness is the answer.
When you remember how hard it is to change
yourself, begin to understand what little chance
we have of changing others.
Instead of waiting for someone to bring
you flowers, why not gather your own bouquet.
A friend is a person who knows all about you
but likes you anyway.
Friends are like a beautiful garden.
They require regular care.
The people on our planet are not standing in
a line single file. Look closely. Everyone is really
standing in a circle, holding hands. Whatever you
give to the next person standing to you,
it eventually comes back to you.
Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.
It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.
I Love You
You have truly inspired me today. Thank you! We’re going to have to look in to something to do for our community. >>Question.. Do you get emails from Flylady? Cuz I signed up all excited about the concepts and stuff and I got like 100 emails in my inbox within a week and it made me so mad I unsubscribed. >>P.S. I love you too!