Ever have one of those spectacular days where every breath, every inhale, is child-filled?
- The yummy baby smell of your youngest, while she cuddles up against your neck, wrapping her teeny arms around you, hugging tight, happy you picked her up.
- Or your 3 year old, who’s sweet smelling hair, crazy curls darting about, his eyes giggle right along with his contagious laugh in your ear while you nibble his neck and devour his ear, hugging him close.
- Or your 7 year old daughter, who hugs you while you put medicine on her boo boo and you get her golden wavy tresses wrapping around your nose.
- Your 8 year old, who wants to the big boy, still cuddling with mommy in the morning, telling you that he had no bad dreams, leaning against you as he did when he was small.
- Or your 12 year old who, despite wanting to act so grown up, has taken to wearing ‘scents’ but still smells like the babies when you give her good morning hugs, or goodbye-see-you-after-school hugs.
- Where you sit in your living room, rearranging toys, folding clothes, watching your 2 youngest non-school aged children dancing and giggling and playing with toys, blocks, trains and more.
- Your youngest waking up from her nap, breastfeeds a little, then sits up on your lap, letting you snuggle her some more and kiss her sweet cheek.
- Your 3 year old who lets you color with him, and sits on your lap to do it.
- Your 7 year old letting you braid her hair, even though she’d rather it uncombed and un-prettified.
Somedays are days I wish I had a recorder for my mind, my thoughts, what I observe, every second of every minute, taped and videod for the future. Why can’t time stand still? Can I ‘print screen’ these moments, please?
My youngest is smiling and hobbling her baby legs over to me. In that dress, she is melting me. I need more snuggles.
You know, you really do have a lot of kids! 🙂>>I love days like that. I had one on Saturday and I’m still riding high from it. Kids are the best.
hee hee, seeing the gray on my head is proof enough 😛 >>Today might not’ve been the smoothest day, or brightest day, but it was a day, a day with my kids and husband and there can be nothing better, you know??
How sweet is that! I love those days. Today was a good day like that. My youngest curled up with me for a snuggle and a story and I loved every delicious second of it!