3 year old:”Mommy, I wost (lost) my smile.”
Me: “What did you do with it?”
3 year old:” I fink (think) an awien (alien) took it.”
8 year old son: “They took dynamites and blew the mountain, and used hammers and other stuff, and made the presidents’ faces.”
7 year old daughter: “Dynamites are dangerous.”
8 year old son attempts to continue what he learned today, and is interrupted mid-syllable by my daughter, again, who has ADD by the way…
7 year old daughter:” Wouldn’t it be scary of the school had a fire?”
I interrupt, saying it was rude of her to interrupt, and for him to continue.
8 year old son:” Yeah, so, they used the dynamites and they made the presidents’ faces. Its called ‘Mount..’ um.. Mount Revere? Mount Applachia … um… mommy? What’s it called again?”
7 year old daughter: “Mountain with dynamites presidents’ faces is what I call it.”
Too funny. I love this stuff!
hee hee, thanks! I’ll have more to add, they’re always making cute observations. I absolutely love each day they discover and learn more and more and tell me about it 🙂
We always buy some…but I can’t imagine being the parent and having to organize that! Sorry for you.
Thanks Elizabeth 🙂 Have you seen the order forms this year? The names of the cookies are different??? Talk about freakin!