I felt some more gray hairs sprout today. Scratch that, Friday afternoon, when a friend called. “It’s that time again,” she said, as though I was supposed to know. It hadn’t occurred to me what it was she was talking about.
I shouldn’t have asked, but I did “What time is that?”
“Cookie rally is tonight.”
The pause was deafening. For those of you without girl scouts in your family, the Cookie Rally is the start to the official Girl Scout Cookie selling season. The big celebration where paperwork is filled out, signing your life away, promising to pay for the eons of dollars spent on little sugar filled heart attacks doled out by braid and sash wearing young girls trying to earn badges and awards and tickets to the “Superstar Party”. Starts beginning of January. Ends mid-March. It’s hell, I tell you, hell in a hand basket.
Cookie season has befallen us. Smores and Do-Si-Do’s and some new thingamabobs that are gonna be tap dancing on my migraine-filled head.
Oh, but those of us who live for the annual arrival of thin mints THANK YOU profusely!!!!>>(Really, THANK YOU- Girl Scout Cookies are an annual tradition in our home…and have been….forever!)
haha, yeah. I was a cookie-a-holic myself once-upon-a-time *cough* with those coconut chocolate thingies (their name escapes me at present). I could down a box in one sitting if I truly wanted to. Must. Resist. Buying. From. Daughter. lol In all seriousness, my husband will probably be the only recipient. He isn’t as on track as we all are trying to eat healthy. I’ll probably just end up making a bunch of cookies to make up for it. Or giving in myself.. jury is still out heh 😛
Do you have any idea how mad I was no one asked us to buy cookies last year? FURIOUS! I refuse to buy from the girls in the mall since that’s not how cookie-selling is done. By god, I had to walk door to door. In North Dakota. In January. They should have to suffer a little or at least actually ask me if I’d like to buy some.>>Which I do. I totally do.
Oh goodness, I can’t imagine walking door to door yourself.I think i would’ve taken out a want ad – “Wanted: Girl Scout for cookie fetish” or something haha! What about craigslist? “Looking for poor unsuspecting Girl Scout to maul for her addictive cookies” hee hee
Poor thing! I couldn’t imagine. Oy!>>Although I do love me a thin mint…
You know whats weird this year,and I have to do a little research on it – they’re not named the normal names this year? Samoa, Thin Mint, Do Si Do. They’re named “Caramel Delite, Peanut Butter Sandwich,”, etc. Strange eh? Wonder what that’s all about?