Chris from The SuperDad Chronicles has tagged me for my first meme, sweet! Firstly, Chris, buddy ol pal, the more I read about you the more I realize you and I could be twins. Seriously. Read on, brotha, read on…
Seven things you don’t already know about me:
1. I hate seafood. I don’t like to use the word ‘hate’ ever, but after working in restaurants for many years, waiting tables, bartending then up to managing them, the smell always and continues to make me want to gouge my own nose out with a spork, so the word ‘hate’ is very apropos here.
2. My husband and I are each on our second marriage. Just like Chris, we believed the first one was just practice 🙂 We just needed to that dry run to get this one right, heh.
3. I love to dance and sing. I studied dance in college.
4. I love ranch dressing. I had, at one time, wanted to make a ranch restaurant where everything was somehow centered on ranch dressing – ranch eggs, ranch burgers, ranch potatoes. Yeah, that kind of crazy.
5. I am an artist. Painting, drawing, linoleum cutting. Love it. Don’t ever get to do it anymore with 5 children and all, but if I could, I would do it all day.
6. I love to decorate. As in, decorating for holidays, decorating the house. Interior decorator? Nah, but those shows interest me where you can ‘do it yourself’.
7. I’m pretty handy. I can fix things that are broken, even electronics. I like working with my hands, restoring things, fixing them up, etc. It takes a big even for me to get rid of something, I’ll generally fix it until its on its last legs. I’m kind of sentimental like that (which, I guess would make that #8??)
Alright, there you have it – 7 (8) things you didn’t know about me. Now for the 7 people I tag:
Johnny at 15 Minute Lunch
Steph at Adventures in Babywearing
Being Five
Mommy Cracked
Mommy off the Record
Kelly Jene at The Moohaa
Elizabeth at The Whole family
Now… go! 😉
Great list! I like to sing, too, but am really out of practice. I only dance if it’s choreographed! And so < HREF="" REL="nofollow">here’s mine…><> >Steph
Steph – awesome! 🙂 I miss dancing modern, I’d love to take a class or two again. That and yoga.
I would totally go to your Ranch Restaurant. Ranch makes anything and everything better.>>Perhaps if we had poured Ranch dressing on the offensive line, last night’s game would have been less painful?
Ohhhh I know… it was heartbreaking. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how, even if we hadn’t gone for those 2 two point conversions, we’d’ve been tied and into overtime. With the 2 two point conversions, that last field goal wouldn’t have mattered. *sigh*
Great list! Thanks for stopping by! >Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years too
Thanks hon!!! I did, I know YOU did, congratulations again!