I may talk about coffee often, but it’s a little known fact that I’m a super-big tea drinker as well. Kind of a big deal for me. Coffee powers my ability to function, whereas tea quenches my thirst and helps relax me when I go bonkers (c’mon, six kids + military = bonkers sometimes). Nothin’ like a nice hot cup of tea and sittin’ on my porch swing to calm the nerves.
Honest Tea has been a company I’ve adored for a long time. Organic? Check. Yummy? Check. And funny. Oh so funny! A company that began because they were dissatisfied with what they were offered by everyone else, they can be quoted as saying:
“When the beverage aisle kept giving us lemons, we made lemonade. That’s because we were thirsty, and tired of super-sweet drinks filled with stuff we couldn’t pronounce.”
Say it with me… AWESOME!
And that isn’t all. This company really puts it out there, spreading the all-important message of self-discovery, enlightenment, advocacy for our environment and more:
“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” – Bette Reese
“The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.” – Chinese Proverb
If you look under the cap of a bottle of Honest Tea, you’ll find cute quotes just like that. Not to mention, spreading the love of change on their bottles:
“P.S. Patience also is’t much of a virtue when it comes to changing the world – take matters into your own hands – plant a tree (arborday.org), donate blood (givelife.org), find a way to get involved with something you care about. Or find something new to care about at climatecounts.org
I love what they have to say, which is just icing on the cake of the deliciousness of the products they offer. First it was their spectacular teas in the bottle which I’ve always been a huge fan of. My favorites are Lori’s Lemon, Just Black (which comes in a big 64oz size too!) and Citrus Spice (which is, unfortunately-for-me, decaf but oh so yummy).
Then they went and made my kids uber-happy when they came out with spectacular kids’ drinks that my kids devour in no time flat. I’d name my children’s favorites, but we’ve never found a flavor they haven’t liked! Best part about the Honest Kids line (other than being organic and tasty)? They encourage the kids to recycle by reusing the Honest Kids’ pouches to make cute bags and school supplies! With the help of the company Terracycle, who recycles the pouches, Honest Kids donates $.02 a pouch to the school or organization of your choice when you sign up!
A company with a mission, with wit and a powerful message, all while being organic, eco-friendly AND with great tasting products!? How could it possibly get better?
Honest Tea, having previously delved deeper into the beverage market with their super-yummy Limeade and Cranberry Lemonade, to name a few, has recently added antioxidants into the mix, creating two new ‘ades’ they released recently – Orange Mango with Mangosteen and Superfruit Punch with yumberry and goji berry.
I had the opportunity to try both of these flavors, having never tried goji berry or yumberry before, I have to admit I was a bit nervous to take the plunge. What if I didn’t like it? I was happily surprised, they taste as good as they are for you, making it that much easier to be healthy! I really enjoyed how well they paired together flavorwise. In fact, it tasted SO good, I kinda drank it so fast I forgot to share it to take pictures. Whoops!
So with the Orange Mango with Mangosteen, I didn’t forget to share. (After all, I had to share just to get the shot) After the first sip, though, I didn’t want to share this one either, and neither did my son, as you can see, I had to fight him just to get it back to pass it on! *giggle*
You can find out where to get Honest Tea near you by visiting here. Definitely need to try them, if you haven’t already. And if you have, let me know, which is your favorite?