My four-year-old has been begging me to run with him in the aerobic section of the Wii Fit, you know, the partner run? So he goes to grab the second remote, but my two-year-old nabbed it first. I figure, what could it hurt? The second player’s info doesn’t get logged, just mine, so no issues to worry about. I handed my son the third remote, and off we go.
She smoked me.
I kid you not. Her little legs appeared to be running super-sprinter speed. My son is yelling to me “MOMMY! You’re too swoa (slow)” LOL
No kidding, pal!
I’m trying not to laugh as I’m running my darndest to keep up, but her little legs were just too fast!! {Giggle} Nothin’ like being shown up by your toddler.
More funnies:
My infant was cranky, so, while doing the soccer-heading game, I held him, thinking, what could it hurt? I held him close, and we weaved back and forth trying to head the ball.
Oh me oh my, I couldn’t hit a single one! Haha!
Even worse was trying to slalom ski with him, too. I think I only got a few correct, I had I think 10 misses? Baby + Wii Fit = Not good combo 🙂
I was doing aerobics, and my son wasn’t digging it. He didn’t want me to do some of the exercises cuz they were “bo-wing” (boring), but at the end he would applaud me because I’d end up in first place (eat your heart out, hubby!). So he’d clap for me and proclaim “Mom! I’m cwapping for you!” which is what he theoretically said, but it sounded like he said “Mom! I’m crapping for you!”
And I laughed, really hard.
So he looks at me and says, “Mom? I don’t know how to say dis wight (right).” and he motions clapping to me.
My poor, sweet, dear baby man. Oh so sweet, and cute. But ohhh so funny!!
New Mommy Rule effective immediately:
8. Don’t let your toddler run with you on the Wii Fit, or prepare to be smoked.
9. Don’t let your infant “help” you on the Wii Fit, because his wobbly head doesn’t help you hold your balance on the balance board. Like, at all.
And if you’re playing when your four-year-old is around, and he cheers for you, prepare to be “crapped” for! 😉
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