“Mom, can I sit in the driver’s seat?” my oldest says to me.
After some consideration, torturing her during my silence, we switch seats. She eagerly gets behind the wheel, car running in the parking lot (we were waiting for my husband to return from picking up medication). “Can I press this button?” motioning for some radio doohickey.
“Sure,” I blurb, peering at her, wondering what the next question will be.
She tries the seats, the windows, locking and unlocking them, asking questions about what this does, or what that does. I realize the days of childhood are slowly fading with her, she’s showing just how old she’s getting with her switch of interests, and sudden fascination with the family minivan. “How about the gas pedal, can I press down on it?”
Whoa nelly, here we go, I thought to myself. Ah, what harm could it do, the van is parked. “Sure honey, but just a little, don’t overdo -“
“-it…” I finally finish.
“WHOOPSIE,” she giggles with that look on her face that screams MORE MORE MORE!
I think I just got grayer.
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That sounds delicious!
Sounds yummy! Chicken pot pies are one of my favorite meals. I’ll have to try out your recipe, thanks!
Oh, I love me some Chicken Pot Pie…w/ or w/out bisquick!
I made italian chicken noodle soup tonight with tiny leaf shaped biscuits.
I’ll post a picture tomorrow to prove it—they were the cutest dang biscuits a Southern girl ever saw.
We feed our families well, no?
I lurve you woman!
–Sara Sophia
that’s right up my husband’s alley! yummy
I saw your comment on Facebook and was hoping you would share. This will be on my dinner table this fall. A hearty meal on a cold day, yum.
Lisa, that looks even better than a regular pot pie! YUM!!!
I’m drooling….I can just taste this!!! Wow.
My Wednesday entry is posted…it is Halloween black & white…with color added here and there. Come by if you can find time, I’d love to have you visit with me today. Here is where you’ll find my photos shared! I also have a Halloween TREAT for you on my sidebar if you care to grab and run with it. :o)
I am not a fan of Chicken Pot Pie, but this recipe sounds very yummy!
That looks and sounds AMAZING! Yum!
Looks yummy! I wish my crew ate pot pie, but you’d think the vegetables in it would kill them.
That looks amazingly yummy.
This looks yummy. I have never made pot pie at home..I just got all my groceries and the ingredients are lined up on the counter. Wish me luck!! and thanks for the recipe..my daughter has offered to help..I cant wait!!!
Mmmm, sounds like a happy accident indeed.
My husband is on a diet and eating only chicken breasts, greens, brown rice (and eggs & oatmeal for breakfast) but I’ll make this for the kids and I for dinner. Since he works evenings, hopefully it won’t be too much punishment for him not to have some ;P
The chicken pot pie looked yummy and I believe it tasted great too.
That looks delish! I’ve never made a chicken pot pie. I think I need cooking for dummies!
That looks delicious! 🙂
if only my picky kids would eat this! noway would they
This looks so good — and, of course, I’m now really hungry 🙂
I haven’t made a pot pie in quite a long time. I’ll have to try it with the biscuit/Bisquick crust. I always try to have some on hand because it can be used for so many things. A great pantry staple. Looks tasty and sounds… now I want to make one.
I like the bisquick topping for the chicken pot pies..those are a favorite in our home..yumm:)
I love me some chicken pot pie! I’ve never tried it with a biscuit topping before so I’ll have to try that someday. It looks yummylicious!:)
That looks really delicious! Ya gotta love Bisquick!!!
What a great idea! My daughter is always begging for chicken pot pie and that looks delicious!
My Grandpa used to make this and it is YUMMY!! thanks for sharing
Sounds delish. I will bookmark this one! Also – for future reference, you should be able to sub butter in for your crisco with out any problem. I always use butter in place of crisco!
Oh this sounds and looks so yummy. I have some left over turkey think I will try a turkey pot pie. Great recipe lisa , have a awesome ww.
Yummy, I am going to try and make this after our move.
Sounds great….Just out blog hopping on this rainy night. Enjoyed reading yours…Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog and leave your favorite Christmas song…and enter a great giveaway.
This sound delicious!! Thanks for sharing.
I’d make love to this pot pie. I would.
That looks really yummy
You made me hungry! That looks yummy!
That looks so yummy! I think i will make a few and freeze them so daddy will have a easy fix dinner for when the baby arrives! Yay for yummy easy food!
That looks amazing!! Wow. I can almost taste it through the screen! Almost.
I haven’t actually tried eating chicken pot pie. And it would be really great if this one will be my first experience with pot pies. Thanks for sharing your accidental discovery to us. 🙂
LMAO!!! I think he does look like you. Then again both my girls look like Adam but I think people just try to suck up to me when they tell me one of them looks like me. 😉
I know you both and he totally is looking more and more like you as he gets older. And I’ve always thought Super M has your eyes.
I think he looks like you… We have that issue with Grayson. Everyone says he looks like daddy, but he is the spitting image of my little brother when he was a kid, so I see alot of myself in him.
Look at that mama’s boy! He’s a cutie!
Great picture. He has your eyes.
I think you two look a lot alike, especially your smiles and chin structure! Adorable pic!
He definitely looks like you!
AWW! What a great picture!! He does look like you!
He looks SO much like you. (And I ain’t lyin’….) Same chin, smile, eyes…. Yep.
I know how you feel, though. I have wimpy genes, too. Six babies and not one green/blue/hazel eyed, left-handed kid in the bunch. Humphh.
All are brown-eyed righties just like their dad. But, I do have a couple with light brown eyes and green flecks. I’ll take what I can get! lol
Aw what a cute photo and I agree he does. I get that all the time with my son and husband it’s annoying sometimes ha!
He absolutely does look like you.
As you know, I know all too well what that feels like…the wheatie-less genes. If I hadn’t been conscious for the birth of the kids I’d swear they weren’t mine.
Well, HELLO!! He DOES look like you!
He def has your nose and smile! I can see the resemblence! I loved this post, so funny!
From the pictures you’ve posted I think the kids are a good mix of both of you. People do automatically equate hair and eye color to which parent the child looks like. Everyone said our oldest looked like hubby until his hair grew in. Hubby is bald, so I found that funny.
Yep, he looks like you! I get the same thing about my kids…they all look like my husband according to EVERYONE. But sometimes, I break out old pictures of me, and they look like me…a little 🙂
Yep, he does look like you! I see baby looking on in the background, teehee
DEFINITELY looks EXACTLY like you!
He does look like you! What a handsome boy!
I think he totally looks like you. Infact, I have always thought your children looked very much like both of you, except your oldest daughter. I think your oldest daughter looks so much like Daddy. 🙂
Oh my goodness! What a cutie!
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
OH I definitely think he looks like you.. He is adorable… Enjoy!!!
LOL Without seeing your husband, I can see a resemblance. My DD has her daddy’s eyes so everyone says she looks like him. In reality she looks like all of us in a way. You can see each one of her sisters in her and you can see me too. I think this baby will look a lot like him too. So much for dominant genes! LOL
He totally looks like you. Facial features are exactly the same. And in no way is this post racist!
i’m feelin’ ya. all i hear about our boys is “they look just like their dad!” and we even have the same hair color! i definitely see the resemblance between little M and you, though.
He does look like you and he definitely has your smile.
No he does he has your chin.
Yes, aside from the curly blond hair (LOVE!), he’s the spitting image of you, babe!! So very sweet, too!!
My son is the spitting image of me, and my daughter looks like her daddy. The two of them almost don’t even look related. Different hair and eye colors altogether. Nothing wrong with that, though 🙂 At least I’ll be able to tell them apart when I’m old and senile! HA!
Not sure I get why someone would think this post is racist? Is that person on crack or something?!
I think that I see a little of you in him. I feel your frustration on this……nobody has ever told me that my daughter looks like me 🙁
He DOES look like you! What a cute pair you are:-)
Thank you 🙂
Two kids and one is pure Ryan and the other looks like me. I was SO HAPPY to see a kid take after me. I’m adorable. (Let’s see if I’m called racist ROFL – what is that? Like relationship racism?)
Julie, I have no friggin’ idea what that’s about, for real, yo.
Yes he does look like you! That is a beautiful photo.
Love his locks! I think he looks like you!
LOL! I do the same thing. I can see similarities in you both. 🙂
Oh my goodness I think he does look like you… I bet you he’s a great mixture of the both of you, but I have one that everyone says looks nothing like me and I keep trying to ensure everyone she does. And I have four children. Wait, was that just racist? LOL… I love that picture of the two of you on his first day. What a happy moment. Same smiles, chin and all! 🙂
Oh that is funny! We just started a POINTS chart. They start off with 30 points then get extra points throughout the day and minus points for not doing what I ask them to do. So far it’s working GREAT!
omg……tooo funny!! ( i know not to you , but that is too much!) maybe try a Mr Clean Magic Eraser, i find it takes out ALL
I am convinced it is in times like this that God made kids CUTE, so we don’t kill them!! lol
Oh no!! how frustrating for everyone, especially the other kids! He had good intentions…..
That is too funny.
Bless his heart. You definitely could not get mad at him for that. He was doing his chore. Did you try Magic Eraser on the shoes?
Tried and failed, actually. Some shoes came off better than others. Will
have to find some sort of cleaner, or something 🙁
Did you try hairspray or googling ink on leather. (I google therfore I am smart) I laughed out loud at your post.
Lisa, that’s REALLY funny!! I know you aren’t really laughing now, I know I wouldn’t be. But HAHAHA for later!! He’s very smart and organized little fella.
This is only funny because it didn’t happen to me otherwise I would be ticked off. LOL. I hope you were able to get them clean.
That is one of the cutest stories I’ve heard in awhile! Ah, he’s an overachiever, lol! 🙂
Oh no! That is classic though isn’t it? I am sorry it happened but the genius is there nonetheless. Must have made perfect sense to a kindergartner.
LOL!!! At least he’s TRYING to help!?
Aw that is so cute!
So funny and so four year oldish! Everyone will grow out of or wear out the shoes but the story will linger into eternity………awesome and thanks for sharing!
Have a great day!
OMG that is hilarious! Try some goo gone!
How funny. He was just trying to help. 🙂
oh my , that is way to funny. Sorry Lisa I could not help but laugh. But thanks for the warning I will make sure I don’t give my girl that as a first chore. Hope you have a great day !
lol too cute!
Happy WW!
Oh my!! That is too funny, yet not.
This is hilarious! I love it, what a cutie!
Oh No! Poor little guy did he feel bad once he realized it wasn’t coming off? I am so sorry mom that you have to deal with this.
I’ve been there. Worse is my son decided to try to write our address on clothing, in case we forgot it somewhere people would know where to send it. Thankfully we caught him after the first thing. But oh man, it’s not fun. Funny to read about, but not fun to deal with.
Now that is adorable!! LOL Hey he was trying to help!!
OMG! I had to take a deep breath on that one. Hopefully it won’t be too noticeable to others, but I’m sure every time you put your shoes on or cross your legs you’ll notice it and think about it. It is a little funny. … just a little ’cause I know I wouldn’t think it’s funny at all if it happened to me. Hugs, sighs & a good stiff drink for ya.
Oh haha! That is too funny!
I think it just shows how resourceful and organized he is! Tee hee!
Hey Lisa. Have you tried using a Mr. Clean magic eraser? It is my magic helper for magic markers, pen marks, and dirty shoes.
too precious! toothpaste is supposed to help take off most stains on white sneakers!! i don’t know if it’ll work on the red ink, but you should try it!!
I can’t believe I’ve never really shopped at Land of Nod! Holy cow, I was missing out! I found several things to drool over 🙂 I want the Roll in the Dough kit and one of those Activity Tables. So awesome!
If I win, my boys would love the band in the box! Thanks Lisa
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…and on facebook, too. 🙂
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I like the Easel does it and the beat our chest toy chest.
I would like the Rainy day art kit, please.
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The tabletop puppet theater is really cute! I’d love to win the band in a box for my boys 🙂
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Facebook profile is Tiffany Snedaker. I’m now a fan 🙂
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For some reason I thought I was already following you on twitter? I am now, as babesandkids
The Chocolate Walden Twin-Over-Full Bunk is super cute for my boys room. I’d love the band in a box for my music loving 3 year old.
Okay, I’m confused I admit it. You have many, many wonderful things on your blog, but I was looking for your wordful wednesday and couldn’t find it. So, Merry Christmas and I’ll be back after I finish blog hopping here if it’s not too late to look around some more. I’m your latest follower.
Oh no, I apologize! It’s the Kindergarten Chore Fail post 🙂 Great to
make your acquaintance!! 🙂
This is the toy we would like at the Land of Nod – What’s For Dinner Kitchen Appliances, my son and daughter LOVE playing with Kitchen items, would be great to let them have their own awsome kitchen!
I’d like to win the Band in the Box – my son is very musical and would LOVE this!
Thanks for the chance!
OMG, how do you choose one thing on that site? I think my boys would love the Automoblox minis (among many other things). I’d love to win the rainy day art set.
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I love The Handyman Can. Too cute. I would love to win the Band in a Box!! This store is AMAZING!
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I like the Wild and Wheelie Animals.
Either of the prizes would be wonderful, but I think Band in a Box would be the biggest hit.
automoblox minis were so cute! My daughter wouldl love the rainy day art kit!
[email protected]
Did you really expect me to choose only one thing that I like over there? You could have warned me that there was so much to choose from…. oh yea, that’s why you mentioned the drool, huh? LOL… I really like the storagepalooza; I didn’t even get around to looking at activities and toys. I also love that Doe, A Dear, A Female Chandelier! Love that name. 😀
WHEN (LOL) I win I would like to have the Rainy Day Art Set.
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I follow you on Twitter. Well, I am now ’cause I sure thought I already was.
I tweeted. Well, I re-tweeted. Does that count? I’m Petula1968.
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We could really use the I’m not bored anymore kit. That looks fantastic. We would also love the rainy day pack in our house.
We really need some organization here so I’d love the Beat My Chest Toy Box. And, if I win I’d like the Rainy Day Art kid
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I follow you on Twitter. @TheShoppingMama
I tweeted this giveaway. http://twitter.com/TheShoppingMama/status/6536138448
Love the oodles of doodles place mats….traveling and restaurant tables…ewww love to have my own and these actually look like fun. Band in a box looks fun …..thanks for the chance
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and I am now following you on twitter.
I like the 6-cube bookcase!
If I were to win, I’d love the Rainy Day Art Set!
LOOVE: Bold Stripe Rug
twitter follow them – kgail11
twitter follow you too- kgail11
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tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/6540420998 (*And I forgot to say – I’d love the rainy day art set!)
first of all,i loved that you could search the land of nod by personality type.my little builders would enjoy the diy mini work bench and tool box,the on right race track being a very close second.
i love their sleep sacks. i would like to win either of the items. my kids would enjoy them both 🙂
land of nod fb follower
email subscriber
My favorite thing on Land of Nod is the nod chair. I like the blue stripe nod chair for my son and the pink stripe nod chair for my daughter.
If I won, I would like the Band in a Box set. And some excedrin, please.
I follow Land of Nod on Twitter – @momtriedit
I fanned Land of Nod on Facebook – Kim Weaver Young
I follow on Google Friend Connect. Kim Young.
I like their cool beans bean bags
I love the womb with a view crib bedding.
wow, i was wide -eyed the whole time I looked at the site! I would love my son to have the What’s for Dinner kitchen appliances
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My son would love the What’s for Dinner Appliances.
I retweeted your post about the giveaway.
Well as I was browsing their site my son saw “Block Party” and said he liked that. This site has wonderful toys.
I follow your blog in Google Reader.
I like the If I Had A Hammer and Table.
I would choose band in a box.
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FB fan Land of Nod
Oooh I love Land of Nod! Just got my package in the mail from them… my faves, the nesting suitcases! The rainy day art set has got my 4 year old’s name all over it!!
I love the Nod Chair.
I’d love to win the Rainy Day Art Set. My 3-year-old and 6-year-old would be wishing for rain!
What a great story! I really like your blog, and God Bless you for having SIX kids. You are a super woman!
Forgot to say that I would like the band in the box if I win
I hadn’t heard of Land of Nod before – what a great store – it;s hard to pick one thing I like best. but I do love the storage furniture – like the storagepalooza. I’d like to win the Rainy Day Art kit.
I love the storagepalooza. I’d prefer the rainy day in a box.
I follow Land of Nod on Twitter.
Don’t you just love how they can argue one minute and then it is all forgotten the next. You are not wrong about the “This parenting stuff is pretty cool -and maddening – all at once.” it is one thing after another, but you just have to love em.
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My kids would love the Good Wood puzzle. Also, they would LOVE the Band in a Box set!
[email protected]
I would never be able to pay for it but the Green Home Sweet Play Home is awesome
Oh it’s hard to choose I think my daughter would love both but I’d have to say the Band in a Box
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I think nature makes our kids cute to get us through those ear bleeding times.
LMAO that’s one way to look at it. Yet another reason I wish you lived
closer 🙁
Y’all need to get stationed near DC. It’s only about 4 hours, and probably
the nearest place you’d have a shot at going.
I don’t know if it’s an option, what’s available for his MOS, etc. One
can hope, though. We’re dying to go to a place that actually has four
seasons 🙂
I will warn you though, DC schools SUCKASS. I had a friend who was at
Bolling last year and she ended up homeschooling because you apply for
schools in January I think, and all the good ones get full fast. Lots of
military families homeschool there.
Uh, yeah. That’s not good. 🙁
The Shop till you drop market is too cute.
Girls would love the Band in the box
I love the “I’m not bored anymore jar” – this would be great on those winter days that we are stuck indoors.
I love the “I’m not bored anymore jar” – this would be great on those winter days!
I love the Land of Nod ‘I’m Not Bored Anymore’ art jar! That seems to be a big problem in our house! And I love the Rainy Day art kit if I were to win 🙂
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Following Land of Nod on Facebook, too 🙂
And joined Savvy Source 🙂
And following on Twitter too. That covers it, right? 🙂 Happy weekend!
Ha! Aren’t those cutesy pictures just annoying when you’ve heard them screaming. LOL… But they are adorable. Love the pic! The little one is so adorable! Those cheeks, those teeth and the dimples! Wow!
Mine do the same thing, playing house or something, the most annoying thing to be is the high-pitched pretend voices. It grates on my nerves and I have the same “my ears are gonna bleed” feeling.
I’m glad you got through it! 🙂
How funny and cute.
Band in a box!
I like the I’m not bored anymore art jar. It looks like it has hours of entertainment packed into one little jar. Great!
I would love to win the Rainy day art kit.
contestleena at gmail dot com
I love the Jonny’s High Top Socks. 🙂 I’d be so excited to win the Band in a Box for my son.
I follow Land of Nod on FB.
I love the Merrily we stroll along stroller! It’s great!
I subcribe to your feed.
I love the shop til you drop playset. Very cute things here
we would love the band in the box but it wouldn’t matter
I like Sophie the giraffe
I like Sophie the teething giraffe and if I win I’d like the band in a box
My son would love the Honey I Shrunk the Foosball Table and if I won he would like the band in the box!
Oh my gosh — that’s hysterically funny (although I’m sure I wouldn’t be quite as amused if it were my sneakers…)
Any luck with a Magic Eraser?
Unfortunately, no. Magic Clean Eraser was NOT to the rescue this time 🙁
Type your comment here.Increasingly more women desire to change the color of their hair. Unfortunately, just a few of them succeed to make the best decision. There are so many dyes and all of them seem to match your personality! And still, what should you know when choosing the right hair color for you? Before doing this step, try to find more information about the most common types of dye and colors. Consider the tone of your skin and the color of your eyes, because these factors are directly related to your success or failure.
There is perhaps never a better time when you can pull off the very trendy and funky hair styles as when you are a teenager. The teen hair style, while always evolving and reflecting the tastes of the generation, always tends to be a trendy style that is hard for older people to imitate and still look great. From a ton of texture to funky and fresh color techniques, the teenage cuts are always at the cutting edge of fashion.
i also salivate over land of nod! they pick the best stuff to sell. last year, i was in love with the bbq grill (which is no longer available). this year, i have the ecotots book caddy on my wish list!…i mean…my son has it on his wishlist…yes…
i also salivate over land of nod! they pick the best stuff to sell. last year, i was in love with the bbq grill (which is no longer available). this year, i have the ecotots book caddy on my wish list!…i mean…my son has it on his wishlist…yes… and i would like the band in a box 🙂
Sounds like a dumb little shit to me.
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I love the Svan bouncer and I would choose the rainy day art set!
I’m a FB fan of Land of Nod (username Sarah Bee)
I would love the Rosebud Sled for my son and I would like the Band in a Box if I win!
Great giveaway!
[email protected]
That. Is Awesome.
Rainy Day Art Set
Favorite item is: Take Me Out to the Pinball Game
chevybelair1 {at} juno {dot} com
Yes, the offenders are very cute indeed. 🙂
I have had the same ‘arguments’ with my niece and nephews too … but intentionally; I just love to hear them repeatedly saying ‘yes’ to my ‘no.’ But somehow they always knew that I was just fooling with them and they always giggled.
I love the Art Jar but I would love to win the Rainy Day set – thanks!
the easel and beat and band in a box are awesome!
Rainy day art kit for us please 🙂
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My mom got my disabled daughter the band in a box for her birthday & she loves it! It’s super sturdy & has giver her & her bothers hours of enjoyment. If picked I’d love to recieve the Band in a Box to give to my nieces.
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/6628276709
Great giveaway! There were so many things i love on the Land of Nod website!!! i love the Shop ‘Til You Drop Market and the tee pee! Cool stuff! It is is a hard choice on the prize…i think i’d have to go with the band in a box! Although the rainy day art set looks like fun too!
Thanks for the chance to win!
i’m a follower on blogger!
Although i am sure annoying…that is darn cute!
You are so right. My two are at the love/hate phase. They are either hugging and kissing or trying to knock each other over. And it turns on a dime. I try to be patient through the squabbles but the decibel level of their squeals and shrieks hits just the right note to make me CRAZY!!!!!
my son would love the I’ve been everywhere road and rail set.. he is all about the Choo-choos!! If I win my daughter would love the rainy day art set! Thanks!! Jennah
I LOVE the It’s a natural dollhouse! Oh, I would like the rainy day package!
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Love Meet me in the Teepee!
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I have 2sets of twin grandchildren who stay most Friday or Saturdays overnight. They love art and music…so I would be THRILLED with either. Thanks so much! Gale
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I LOVE their Birthday Keepsake book – oohh, maybe I should buy myself an xmas gift 😉 I would like either giveaways, but if forced to choose, I’ll choose the Rainy Day craft kit 😉 [email protected]
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/6670710482
I like the Beach Ball rug- so fun! If I win, I’d like the rainy day art set. Thanks for the giveaway!
The All Solar Systems Go bedding is amazingly adorable. But the workbench is also awesome. If I won, I’d want the band-in-a-box for my very musical 2-year-old.
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/6694785340
Their website has so much great stuff! One of my favorites is the Tabletop Puppet Theater!
If I won, I would choose the Band in a Box set. Thanks!!
FB Follower of Land of Nod
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Twitter follower of your blog.
I love the Rainy Day Art Kit!
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/6728699175
I love the limited edition nod chair in the mix of blue and green fabrics: http://www.landofnod.com/family.aspx?c=84&f=6453
I would prefer the music box, but the art box would be great, too.
i would like to win the art kit
i like the pink home sweet home play
[email protected]
I like The Wild Cards and would like to win the rainy day kit
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That’s so great!
Oh what a good little boy. He tried so hard to help. I know it is frustrating, but I agree with Tina V, 1) that’s why God made kids cute; and 2) Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are miracle workers. Try that it may just work.
I hope the other kids weren’t too hard on him.
I adore that photo of baby Dude… And the last one of the other two is SO cute. I never had a chance to experience my kids playing “house” because they are both boys, they just played cars, or beat each other up. 🙂
Yours sound so adorable, it must be a real experience in your house, no wonder you call your blog a “Crazy Adventure”.
They are too cute.
Congratulations on your weight lost, great job! I plan on losing weight this year and will follow some of your tips.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words. Please let me know if
there’s anything I can do, even if it’s just a buddy to help keep you
motivated, I know that helped me 🙂 You can do it! 🙂
Hi Lisa, congratulations!!! That is soooo amazing that you can say you won your baby-weight loss battle, wow! I cannot wait till I can say the same. Those tips are amazing and I will definitely be taking measurements! I hit the 30lbs weight loss in December and I still have 42lbs to go, eek! BUT I’m doing it, I’m exercising lots on the Wii with EA Active and Wii Fit Plus, running and making better food choices! I’ll get there and I don’t want my new years resolutions next year to be about losing the weight either!
Way to go! And happy new year to you and your family!!
Woohoo, congrats on the 30lbs Christine!!! That’s AWESOME!!! You’re
halfway to your goal, 2010 is gonna be your year, I can FEEL it! 🙂
Happy New (You) Year to you, too! 🙂
I am so happy you shared your story and tips! I never thought of Fiber, I do know I needed something like that, makes total sense that you will not shed as much if you are all bound up! I am so losing my weight this year!
That Wii has become my best friend, now to make some diet and lifestyle type changes to lose the pounds!
You’re so welcome, Brandy! Not many think about fiber. I used to think
about it in an old-person, kind of way. “Oh, only old people take it.”
But the reason they do is years of build up. Now that we know so much
more, there are cleanses and such which are OH SO important. If you
aren’t breastfeeding (I can’t keep track of who is or isn’t anymore lol)
I would suggest a whole body cleanse. It will do WONDERS for
rejuvenating you and cleaning you out. You’ll also lose those toxins
which equates to excess weight! Then, keep fiber in your diet to keep
your colon cleaned out 😉
How do I find a cleanser? I am no longer breastfeeding. Think it sounds like it makes sense, have heard of it but so lost on all of that! LOL
There are so so many on the market. I would start looking at GNC and ask
one of their reps. That and the Vitamin Shoppe, their people are
amazingly knowledgeable. I believe Jillian Michaels makes one. I can’t
do it yet because I’m still breastfeeding, but lemme tell ya, I can’t
wait until I can!
awesome post and freaking awesome job…….you look fabulous!!
ugh, i too am “trying” set a goal for myself of losing 40lbs by my 40th bday.
so far soo good, but it has only been one week and i got about 19 more to go….
i wish there was a “pill” for laziness and willpower then i would be all set!!
once again , awesome job
see you tomorrow for To Do Tuesday
That’s a fabulous start! 1 lb a week is the way to do it, that’s how I
did it! I choose better foods, kept active, and 1 lb a week did it for
me 😉 Try a full body cleanse, too. Will help jumpstart a bit of weight
loss (excess toxins = extra weight) and will rejuvenate you in the
process, while cleaning you out! 😉
Lisa first let me say you looking freaking amazing. Congrats
I want to do this so bad , but have no drive. I have no idea what is good for me and what is not. Living on a tight budget I can’t afford to eat all the healthy foods. I need to get a really good list like something a child good understand to foods that are good and bad. I mean I know about fruits and veggies.
I just need to start and start some where. I weighed myself the other day and I was already over weight . Well I have gained 20 lbs in 2 years. NOT COOL
Congrats again .
You can absolutely do it, Lisa. Big or small budget. Just check your
labels. You don’t have to buy “diet” foods, in fact, I usually tell
people to NOT do that because they are chock-filled with sodium which
doesn’t help, only hinders! Look for sales on fresh vegetables, but
eating bagged frozen is fine. Include fiber, whole grain, cook for
yourself from scratch (which is cheaper, anyway) and eat lean portions
of meat, if you have to eat meat at all. We choose to have 2-3 meatless
meals a week, and I only eat lean chicken or turkey. To save money,
instead of chicken breasts, we buy a whole chicken to feed our brood and
put it in the crock pot for recipes requiring chicken (like chicken pot
pie, or something). Instead of paying $6 for 2 pkgs of chicken breasts,
we pay $3-$4 and get a whole chicken, more than enough! Also, in your
freezer section is probably some bagged, frozen chicken breasts. On the
nights my family eats beef, I take one of those out and cook it. Tyson
chicken patties are also okay, not too high in sodium (or too expensive,
either!) 😉
Lisa – you look fantastic! What a journey and thanks for sharing your tips. I hope to get into a program myself.
Thank you so much, Jen! Let me know what you end up doin’, I love
chatting and supporting others working out and losing weight, too.
Although, I have to admit, I think your gorgeous already 😉
Thanks for the tips!
You’re so welcome, Missi!
My resolutions which I call commitment, is the same as yours — to maintain health and stay in shape. I haven’t been doing that great with it but not that bad either. Love the pictures… Happy New Year… Happy Belated Anniversary. 🙂
A double thank you to ya, Petula! I hear ya, it wasn’t easy to get
started back up, but now that I have, I love it. I don’t offer myself
any time to make excuses, I just start the game and go. The more time I
let myself think of an excuse not to do it the more likely I am not to,
so I just mindlessly turn it on and get ready. I usually have to wait
until hubby is home, though, because the babies don’t let me be when I’m
layin’ on the floor doing crunches, they think its wrestle time LOL! But
they LOVE helping me run, “jump rope” and do other stuff, it’s so cute,
they’re my helpers 🙂
I started the Michael Thurmond diet (extreme makeover diet guy) which is so much of what you just talked about …but let me tell you I feel better already and have been sleeping better too it is amazing! I made my own salsa it is a no salt no dairy blahh blah very strict diet for 6 wks so you lose a lot of weight but then I plan on living healthy like you…and you look great!!!
Yes, Alyssa! He is THE MAN, I have never, ever heard anyone ever talk
about what he talks about, and I was and am the most successful
incorporating his teachings into my diet. I have talked about him before
on my blog. Definitely stick with what he says and it becomes a
lifestyle and second nature. I integrate “normal” foods in, now, but
salt-less, low-fat, and even if/when I splurge (like, having to go out
to dinner) it doesn’t derail me. He is a lifesaver, really.
Definitely keep me updated on how you’re doing, I am so excited for you!!!!
Congrats on the weight you lost! I think salt and sugar are the two baddies for me lol
Thank you, Becca! I am totally with you, there. I was one of those
people who overused salt SO MUCH. I would douse a gorgeous Filet Mignon
in it. Every bite before entering my mouth. Awful :/
You look awesome. Congrats on your accomplishment! This post gives such a great inspiration, thanks for posting about your goals accomplished!
Thank you so much, honey! If there is anything you need, please let me
know, I’d love to help or offer encouragement, even a shoulder if need be 🙂
Congratulations! This posting was so unbelievably inspirational to me. I, too, have vowed to lose the baby weight this year. I have started running with a buddy, weight training and dieting. After reading your post, I’m going to look into the Wii Fit and also take some dreaded measurements! Thanks for the ideas! Happy Nw Year to you and your family!
Hi Shawn, thank you so much! Congratulations to you as well, running
with a buddy is AWESOME, along with weight training and dieting! I love
the Wii for working out so I can do it myself, sweat, grunt and curse at
the machine by myself, I’ve always been that way, doing it myself at
home. This was such a perfect thing for me. But yes, definitely record
measurements and watch yourself shrink 😉
Happy New Years to you too. Please keep me updated on how you’re doing,
or if you need anything, an ear, support, or a buddy, I’m here! 🙂
Great tips, Lisa!!! I SO want to be motivated to lose some weight this year, but I haven’t found it within me yet. Maybe your simple tips will eek their way into my brain and convince it that it would be worth it!!!
Rachel, you look AMAZING, what weight are you speaking of!?! 😉
Wow. Simply wow. You are inspiring me!
Great list Lisa, I could take some pointers from you. If you have time this week I would love to talk to you about helping me set up a good workout for me. I need help and you are the one that inspires me .
awwww….. I am for a To Do Tuesday celebration!! any reason for a party , right?
awesome job on the weight……you go girl!
keep pluggin away at the christmas stuff, it’ll get done sooner or later.
now , what about the tree and the little dude? is it still up? is he still sleepin under it?
You go, girl! I just started my diet, and hope to lose 20 pounds. I got some of our Christmas stuff put away, but not all like I’d hoped. It’ll get done, eventually! 🙂
I believe in living in the moment as well that is the best way to experience life
congrats on nearly a year YEAH!!!!
It can’t possibly be a whole year already, can it??? That’s pretty amazing!I think you could safely delete the New Years’ resolution from the list and no one would give you a hard time about it. 🙂
Lisa ~
My #1 To-do Tuesday is to start working on a blog this week. I have been very inspired by your blog (and others too – Molly at Organizing your way is a great one.) So that’s what I’m gearing up to do – start a blog, find a purpose for it, gather my ideas, etc. Next week, I’d like to be able to link to yours on To-do Tuesday. Hey, maybe that’s #2 on my list this week.
Thanks again,
Thank you! I didnt understand your tweet- I am so guilty!
No need to feel guilty, it’s totally my fault 😉 I like being a goofball
Man, we don’t have that problem here. Everything for Blaze is always too short. The pictures are just adorable though. he seems pretty content with the situation.
I probably would be fine with floppy PJs in this case, too. They are SO
Haha!! I hope he doesn’t trip on them.
I hear ya! I hope he doesn’t either! 😉
And now that song will be in my head ALL NIGHT. Why is it so catchy?
LOL I feel your pain, sister. It’s always stuck in my damn head, too LOL
Ha ha ha. Too big footed onesies are always a bit problematic for the child wearing them. 🙂
*head nod*
But they’re wicked cute, aren’t they? I couldn’t resist, even if they
are eleventy-billion times too big. LOL
PS adding your button to my blog. 🙂
You are adorabibble. And a sweetheart. Thank you 🙂
Sweet pictures in the jammies. I think we’ve all done that to our kids….at least once, right?
Yup.Or in my case, all the time, all the kids LMAO
Oh too cute! At least he looks like he’s having a ton of fun with that smile. 🙂
Thank you! Oh yes, he definitely was. He thought we were playing tag, or
something lol I had to chase him to get these shots! 😉
Too cute! That just means he can wear them longer!
Heck yeah! I’m alllll about saving money 😉
oooh I have SO been there! in fact, on my TT this week I was shorten PJs I had bought too big.
Thank you! I figured instead of shortening, I’d just rubber-band ’em.
Haha! I wish I could shorten these, but they’re footie ones. And they’re
BEAUTIFUL, I don’t want to wreck ’em from my novice sewing skills lol
Those are so adorable! Mine would definitely trip over them and break his face and still want to keep them on!!
LOL awww.
Mine probably will, sooner or later.
I too sometimes buy clothes a way too big for the boys for extra ” millage”.
Heck yeah, extra mileage = saving money! Nothin’ wrong with it!
We have been singing that silly song, way to often around here too LOL
It’s amazing how contagious that song is, eh? lol
I’ve done this too. Now you got that awful song in my head too. LOL.
LOL sorry 😉
LOL I’ve done that a time or 2. So glad I don’t know the song so it can’t get stuck in my head.
Oh, you will my friend, YOU WILL lol
Does that mean you’re gonna sing it and post it on the blog?
Haha. Um, no. LOL
haha – I love it (and that song!)
Yeah, I like the song too 😉
Love it!
We’re on a tight budget, and somehow all of our 3T clothes from our first daughter got lost when me moved. Rather than buy new ones, I just started putting her in 4T clothes. The clothes are big on her, but its working!
Yeah, I can completely relate with clothes going missing after a move.
We thought we lost all my youngests baby clothes, turns out, they were
mislabeled in a box. Of course, finding it AFTER we’d bought more… ugh!
I used to use elastic hair bands to keep the footie part on their feet. Thanks for the song in my head as I head to my son’s classroom. Hope I can keep the song to myself 🙂
LOL sorry! 😉
Toot funny, now that song is stuck in my head too! Thanks for the morning giggle!
🙂 You’re welcome! Haha 😉
That is too funny. At least there is room to grow…..
Oh yeah, I’d say so lol
I had to hit refresh bc the first time I tried, the JBJ ad was in my comment window and I couldn’t type! Weird!
Anyway, I just came to say DAMMIT for getting that song stuck in my head. Oh and smokin’ good job on the $6 Disney jammies! I’d LOVE a deal like that!
JBJ has been a little wacky as of late. Sorry about that 😉
I will keep you informed if they have another sale like that if you want! 😉
So cute!!
Thanks! 🙂
Oh that is soooo funny. I can relate. Julia wore a ton of Jackson’s old pajamas and we’d roll the pants and sleeves. But with sleepers with feet… it’s a little tricky.
It is, isn’t it? Oh, I can just imagine how cute Julia looked with
rolled pants and sleeves 🙂
So FUNNY! Well, HE doesn’t look like a fool with his pants on the ground! He looks quite adorable!
Aww, Sarah, that’s cute. You’re right, he doesn’t look like a fool!
That is too cute! He is adorable and I live the jammies. I buy clothes to big also, especially if they are on sale and just too good of a deal to pass up. My Bean is going to be 1 on Friday and I have a jacket in the closet for her that probably will not fit her until she is at least 4.
He definitely is not “lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground”
Super cute!
{giggle} Thanks Carrie! 🙂
You are so cute… and so is your little boy… 🙂
I heard that song the other day! OMG — it is now back in my head! Thanks! LOL
Happy WW!
LOL! I do the exact same thing! Following you from mbc…and a fellow military wife.
Lol how cute!
ROFL I’m not alone!
I do that too, especially for my younger ones. The thought of them wearing a new clothing item for maybe 3 months just kills me so I always buy their clothes in bigger sizes. If I’m lucky though most of the clothes that my older son wears can be passed on to them.
It’s easy to get that song stuck in your head, isn’t it? But it’s way better than having Hannah Montana songs running through head all day, rigth?
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m now following you!
Omg that song was great. Had it suck in my head for ever. Little dude looks so cute in his jammies
LOL, I think I have been in this situation… any have a few old photos too…
I couldn’t hand down to much, as the 1st was Mr. Slim & #2 was Mr. Chunky Hunk…
shirts yea… pants, not so much, esp after 12 months…!
he still looks cute & happy!
Now that is definitely a new version of dodgeball. Funny!
It is, isn’t it? Weirds me out, good old-fashioned games get changed..
what’s next!?!
I would have been dying of laughter too!! That is hilarious!!!
Can you just imagine it? LOL
That’s a riot! I think my 8yo plays a similar version at school. What are they doin to our childhood games?
I don’t know, they’re wrecking ’em!
Yeah, he seems pretty cool with it. So cute – love that smile.
P.S. Sorry we missed you a couple of weekends ago. Hope you can join us next time! I want to meet you lady! : )
I’m sorry I missed you ladies, too. Things aren’t falling together
exactly right this year, it seems. First that fell apart, now Blissdom
is falling apart (hubby has a class he will be attending the 1st to the
6th), we can’t do Disney Social Media Celebration because we can’t pull
the kids out of school.. ugh 🙁 I’m going to miss everything! 🙁
Hmmm, I say with a perplexed look. Whacking by doctors during dodgeball. Interesting. I’ve got to see this so I’ll be waiting for the video. What will they come up with next? I guess our boring ole way of playing was just too outdated. I’m going to have to ask my teen if she played the whack way. LOL… Yea, just changed the entire meaning of that, but it’s too funny to change.
LOL I know. I wonder if they’ll let me video it. I have to. I feel it’s
imperative that I do it, because of everyone’s curiosity.
So sorry to hear about this! I never read the paperwork that comes with the medicine, think I will pay better attention now. Thanks!
You’re quite welcome! I skim it, except for info generally like this,
but normally the doctors are clear that it’s okay, and I also usually
clarify, too, and this time, I was too preoccupied w/ an itchy face :S
Lisa: I am so sorry that you went through this and you bring up a HUGE issue … so often people do not read and there are many, many mistakes. Children receiving the wrong meds and such.
I do not want this to sound preachy at all BUT if you truly want to go chemical free we (as a society) need to stop supporting the Big Pharms. We need to look to alternatives, natural herbs and items that promote health. Honestly (most likely) the only reason cancer is not listed on the other medication is because it has not yet been studied.
Our bodies are amazing and adding chemicals (especially drugs) to them is NOT supporting them, it honestly takes longer for our bodies to heal!
Hope you are all feeling better soon!
Oh, I agree. SOSOSO agree. I often try to treat things homeopathically,
but this was scaring me, and some of us in the house have bad
allergies/asthma that require meds. I’ve often thought about buying
stock in Hylands and such LOL!!!!
I am going to be uber-careful from now on because of this blunder. I’m
so tired of screw-ups, y’know? *sigh*
Sounds about par for the course for a trip to the clinic. At least for me. The pediatrician here is outstanding and wouldn’t mess up like that. Good post on why it’s important to always check your scripts and read the pamphlets. Even on refills you need to read the pamphlets because they can change. A couple of mine have.
I hope you and Baby Dude find some relief soon.
Thanks honey, our allergy meds did the trick, unbelievably enough, he
was wrong on both diagnoses. Unreal!
I figured he was. That didn’t sound like eczema. You usually get eczema on
your ankles, elbows, and/or wrists first. The boys and I have it.
I hope everything works out for you guys soon.
When I was nursing my daughter I had to take medication for a UTI. I specifically told the doctor when I first saw her that I was nursing. When she brought in the prescription I said. “This is ok to take while nursing right?” She said no and had to go off and write a new prescription. When I took it to the pharmacy to have it filled I made sure that the pharmacist double checked to make sure the medicine was ok. Yet another reason why I don’t care for Patient First.
Gah! Isn’t that terribly annoying? Good thing you caught it right away
like that, though. I still can’t believe he told me one set of medicines
and prescribed others, and I still had to call back! UGH!
Hoping to see you back in action with a new beginning soon, things like rashes etc needs to be controlled in one’s first preference if they are given a little time, things can seriously go wrong.
Its really interesting to see dialogue, or one can say the lighter side of the site. Its really worth reading and wroth mentioning, thanks for making me laugh!
Nice to see you back in action with a new posting
So sorry to hear about this.
Thanks, honey.
You win. Your day was way worse than mine:P I love you Lisa…and I can’t stand doctor’s either. At least most of them that I’ve been to. None have ever ONCE listened.
Wishing you well-non-itchy vibes<3
Is your headache any better, I hope!?!?
Dude, this entire day was a headache—which was annoying as it was Pixie’s wee birthday —we made it through though…magical tea party and all:)
Her actual b-day celebration will be next week.
(which hopefully will not turn out to be a whole different headache:P)
I wish I had extra vials to send you some AMAZINGAMAZING migraine oils
from Young Living called M-Grain. I had a rep who sent me small, trial
sizes to use before I buy. And OMG, after the first few going away
magically, I bought the whole bottle. 5 years later, it still has so
much left, because my headaches aren’t so frequent anymore and a little
dab’ll do ya.
*gentle temple kisses*
I love that you have family celebrations like we do.
You are the first yummy darling to ever give me *gentle temple kisses*
I squee with delight:D
Wish I could in a couple weeks, for realz. I miss you!!! But Blissdom is
definitely out, hubby has to attend a class the 1st through the 6th now
🙁 *wants to ball herself up in a corner*
I will miss you so.
🙁 🙁 🙁
Oh I agree Lisa, those moments are what make life so deliciously sweet. Enjoy every second! They grow up so fast. 🙂
Umm, can I trade moments? I just cleaned up puke and changed the entire bed for the 3rd time tonight. I hate when my boy is sick. I wouldn’t really want to trade though because i don’t want sickness at your house either. What to do? Love the mental picture you gave though.
What a great way to end the night 🙂
Happy Saturday!
Congratulations on almost reaching your first goal of the year! WooHoo!!!!
I think your points are amazing, living in the moment and taking it one day at a time, perfect for all aspects of life.
Keep up the good work. You look fantabulistic!
Oh he is just a doll – love that smile!
He looks like he’s on his kness in the last photo.
Where is his “hat to the side”? I have never seen “American Idol”, but how is it I know what you are talking about, and I now have that song in my head?
I was the 3rd child and never actually got footie jammies because the “footie” part had always been cut off by the time they got to me. I’ve always wanted a pair, and those are just so adorable. Great photos.
That is too hysterical, I have never heard of anything like that in my life. I can just see those kids playing like that, they must be having so much fun!
That is one really sucky day! I cannot believe how badly that doc screwed up. I realize he was busy, but that is just plain negligence. You are so right in this statement: “Strike five, you’re definitely out, doc!”
I know! I mean, wouldn’t a rash immediately signify an allergic reaction first in your mind? But then again, I’m not a doctor. But score one for mom instincts…
Those are the best kinds of memories. And there is no sound better in the world than that of a child’s laughter.
I need to live in the moment more sometimes. Thanks for the reminder!!
Try wd-40! Miracle elixer more or less!
Wow, really?? I will, thank you!
I love those moments. Lately ours have been having book upon book being brought over to be read. I love that even though my 3yo got the Tag Jr. for Christmas he still likes us to read to him.
Awww, what a wonderful time!!
Good for you ~ I love those moments.
How aggravating! I hate going to the doctor too. Mostly, I employ my “if you ignore it long enough, it’ll go away” theory. Oh and Elidel was one of the creams this crazy dermatologist prescribed for my son’s Vitiligo. So, maybe after a thousand applications, his skin might repigment a bit, but he’ll have cancer. @@
We are much alike. I tough it out, too, usually. But there are a few things that get beyond even my capacity to tough it out – burning itching face was one of ’em.
Oy! Did you son go off the Elidel yet? I can’t believe how much crap is out there they allow on the market to treat things, I guess they figure the treatment outweighs the risks!?
It was as pleasant as any successful party could be
Thank you Lisa! As a Vikings fan I actually felt ill after the game and I’m still up thinking about it. I don’t mind if we lose if we are outplayed but to lose with so many cheap shots on Brett and the horrible calls at the end it was devastating. Statistically we blew them away. I will say we made a lot of mistakes and in many ways handed them the game but in my mind the Saints didn’t deserve the win. With as many opportunities the Vikings handed them it was still a close game in score. Then to hear the celebrate like they were the better team was extra depressing. I’ve also always thought the NFL OT rules are pathetic. Why not have them play a full quarter and the highest score wins? It is so frustrating to loose to a coin toss and with horrible calls by the refs, never get the ball back. I just hope that Brett doesn’t retire with his last thrown ball an interception.
Thanks for posting this because it has been really bothering me too. Way more than I should ever be investing in a sport.
I didn’t see the game, but this is a common problem across all sports. It happened to me because the officials didn’t like our school, our coach, or in the case of summer league softball, even your parents. I’ve witnessed it in elementary wrestling when my son participated for 2 years as well. That’s why my son quit playing sports. He hated how competitive they were and how much emphasis was put on winning. I can’t blame him.
i really dont believe refs are bought off in the NFL. I just dont. I think the game was fabulous, tied to the bitter end when a KICK won it. Both sides made great plays, both made terrible mistakes..thats why it was matched to the last few moments. I dont mean this at you necessarily, but anyone that whines is just sore loser. It was a game. I would have been happy if Farve won and rooted him to the superbowl. I am thrilled the saints will get their first superbowl chance in a city that deserves the hope.
Brees had a great season and is a charitable person. I am proud of him.
ooooh lisa……i feel the same way!! i am not sure how to fix it though?
lmao… i am an “angry cleaner” too. do my best work when i am all pissed off.
i will miss you…
going to write my to do post, as soon i get the little man off to school.
xoxoxo luv ya
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