Yesterday was the first day of school. Up at 6:30am, making pancakes, fixing collars, packing lunches and school supplies and fixing new hair-dos (except for my sons’, they’ll get theirs this weekend with hubby).
It was a nerve-wracking yet productive day, filled with cleaning, and laundry, and playing, and reorganizing, and working out, and… {breathing}
Miraculously, I got the two youngest to sleep. My five-year-old and I had some much-needed (for mommy) bonding time. After all, he starts school Monday for his staggered start to Kindergarten, then Thursday will be his first official day that he makes me bawl attends, along with all of his other classmates.
We attempted to rock the blue team at Mario Kart on the Wii, and while we performed well, those cheaters won anyway. But the smell of his hair, his baby soft skin hugging me, the giggles among us that may or may not have woken up the two babies, who then watched me and their brother race to our little heart’s content. It was just magic.
I almost fell asleep at 7pm yesterday, fighting to stay away while slumped over on the couch on a heating pad with a stomach ache from all the excitement and work done. (and perhaps overly indulging a little too much at dinner. Maybe.)
I fell asleep at an earlier-than-normal hour, but it was a full, rich day. I know eventually I will look forward to getting back into the school routine, and getting tons done during my days at home on half-empty, but right now, I long for the times on my chair with my five-year-old, spending quality time with him, be it a book, a Wii remote, our voices, or just cuddles. Oh, the cuddles!
Monday will be hard. Thursday will be even harder.
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