Well, I’m back from the Type-A Mom Conference and Euro-Pro event with Robin Miller and apparently, I’ve become narcoleptic (hence why this post is uber-late). I fell asleep putting baby dude to sleep last night at like, 10:30pm.
What. The. Hell.
I know it’s been quite an exhausting week, but holy smokes! And even worse, while we were catching up on shows – shows I’ve been dying to see! Argh!!! Dear, sweet hubby is so patient with me and my narcoleptic ways, though. Heh.
I have so much to do this week (and I’ve already done a lot since returning), it’s almost too much to list.
Super-clean the bathrooms
Catch up on laundry (not sure any was done while I was gone. Holy piles, Batman!)
Prepare for yard sale this weekend
Somehow pull off yard sale with 4 soccer games on Saturday (uh, yeah…)
Buy coffee, because purchasing store-made sucks. A lot.
Grocery shopping/coupons/list (coffeeeeeeeeee)
Clean out the shed and storage closet before yard saleStaying on my diet every day*
Work out every day*
*Due to weigh myself tomorrow morning – almost afraid after all of the yummerific, very bad for you foods I ate while away.
Today’s motivation – get out in the sunshine (if you’ve got it) and enjoy that fall air! Oh my, it is actually cool enough here that I can take the kids to the park without them burning their rears on the slides. It’s so terrifically awesome! I love this time of year!
Would you like to join us this week for To-Do Tuesday? Start with just a few things. Don’t over-do it your first couple of times. You’ll grow to become a list-a-holic later, start small now, though, k?
Just so you know, you can join us at anytime, it doesn’t have to be on Tuesdays – the list will go up every Tuesday for you to link to, but you can make your list and link to us at any point in the week!
Remember, with “To-Do Tuesday“, we’re attacking our to-do lists each week, blogging about our lists and what we’ve got going on, and sharing it with each other to help keep each other accountable. Everyone should come back here to link up in the MckLinky as the central “To-Do Tuesday Hub” so we can visit who’s participating and offer encouragement to each other throughout the week. Don’t forget to add the “To-Do Tuesday” button to your post, linking back to this post!
Let’s continue to cross items off our list as we go and help support each other in completing our lists! Don’t forget my useful HTML tutorial on how to effectively “cross-out” or √ “check off” your items on your to-do list!
Joining us? Please add your link below (to your To Do Tuesday post, and not the main page of your blog)
Participants for Week 34
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