Hello from the sunny state of Florida in which I’m basking in the glow of all-things Disney! I hope you’re having a good holiday week. Are you gearing up for Black Friday? Get out those flyers, coupons and online ads. Snag those notebooks and be ready, the shopping season “officially” starts this week, and it’s time to really get moving, now! How has your Christmas Notebook coming along?
My list this week is simple.
Have fun with family at Disney
Enjoy Thanksgiving with my family, brother, sister-in-law, and niece.
Today’s motivation – gratitude. Show it in everything you do. I’ve talked about this before. In an effort to boost how grateful for everything you truly are, you must thank everybody for everything today. Thank the traffic light for staying green. Thank the sky for being blue. Thank the rain for watering your lawn and flowers. Thank the dog for going outside and not on your carpet. Thank the water for boiling. Thank your children for being your children… and so on and so forth. Sounds bonkers, I know, but trust me, it will boost you to new heights. Say “thank you” in your emails today, say “thank you” to your loved ones over the phone or internet today.. “just because” if there’s no reason why. Spread the “thank you’s” around like you’re the Robin Hood of Thank You’s giving your Thank You money to the needy. Report back to me tonight or tomorrow and tell me how you did 🙂 You’ll thank me later!
Would you like to join us this week for To-Do Tuesday? Start with just a few things. Don’t over-do it your first couple of times. You’ll grow to become a list-a-holic later, start small now, though, k?
Just so you know, you can join us at anytime, it doesn’t have to be on Tuesdays – the list will go up every Tuesday for you to link to, but you can make your list and link to us at any point in the week!
Remember, with “To-Do Tuesday“, we’re attacking our to-do lists each week, blogging about our lists and what we’ve got going on, and sharing it with each other to help keep each other accountable. Everyone should come back here to link up in the MckLinky as the central “To-Do Tuesday Hub” so we can visit who’s participating and offer encouragement to each other throughout the week. Don’t forget to add the “To-Do Tuesday” button to your post, linking back to this post!
Let’s continue to cross items off our list as we go and help support each other in completing our lists! Don’t forget my useful HTML tutorial on how to effectively “cross-out” or √ “check off” your items on your to-do list!
Joining us? Please add your link below (to your To Do Tuesday post, and not the main page of your blog)
Participants for Week 42
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