In our pre-holiday purge, I came across eleventy-billion broken crayons, of course. I had the kids collect them all and bring them downstairs to peel. We then ran to the store, amidst our holiday shopping and bought two boxes of the cheapest crayons we could find. Dividing them up into like-colors after breaking them into as many small pieces as we could, we placed them inside the cups of a mini-muffin pan.
Setting our oven at 265, we let ’em back until the tops became all smooth, and all the crayons were almost melted.
Let them cool on the counter. After they are room temperature, put the entire pan in the freezer for about 1/2 hour or so. Makes it easier to pop them out of the pan. No spray needed!
I love that they come out the perfect size and shape for my Baby Dude to grasp.
My children are having a blast at their rejuvenated crayons, and they won’t break! Don’t you think they’d make a lovely gift?
Reuse an old plastic container to store them in. Recycle for the recycled!
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