It’s official!! To Do Tuesday is officially a year old! Woo hoo!
To celebrate, I plan on purchasing for one lucky To Do Tuesday-er one of these GORGEOUS Mini List Takers by Bits ‘n Pieces, etc on Etsy (shown there on the right). I went searching one day and found these, and I think they are the cah-yoo-test things ever! Available in many fabric choices, they hold mini legal pad and a mini pen/mechanical pencil with a pocket to hold coupons, receipts, tickets, or, well anything you can fit there. Like me. I want to fit there, and carry myself in this. (It doesn’t matter if I’m too big. Are you not seeing the cuteness here?!)
Is this not the most adorable creation? I am such a sucker for pink and browns, too. This fabric in particular is called “City Girl” by Kitty Yoshida. I need to buy the heck out of it and make curtains and bed spread for my girls, I love it that much. {ahem}
Back to celebrating – I want to personally thank every person who has ever participated in To Do Tuesday this year:
- Suzanne @ Crunchy Green Mom was my very first!
- Lindsay @ SAHM Need Coffee Breaks Too
- Amy @ Six Flower Mom
- Kate @ A Simple Walk
- Jen @ My Little Corner
- Lisa @ The Owl’s Nest
- Trish @ Another Piece of the Puzzle (who sticks it out, week after week, and is the longest running To Do’er!)
- Steph @ Problem Solving Mom
- Summer @ Sublime Happiness
- Angie @ Annie’s Home
- Learn to Love, Love to Learn
- Amanda @ The Hayden House
- Kim @ The Adventures of a SAHM
- Jess @ Life @ 30
- Buffie @ Pillaging with Buffie
- Lisa from Garden of Many
- Lisa from Life as Mommy to Princess Cadence and Duchess Bryleigh
- Amy from Swag Studio
- Stefany @ To Be Thode
- Laura@ Life of this SAHM
- Kristen @ A Day in the Life
- Our Little Wildflowers
- Shaye @ Miller Memories
- Michelle@Momstoppable
- Amanda @ Coping with Frugality
- JessieFinAZ @ The Geroux Crew
- Erika @MeSoupBlog
- Heather @ Home – Ec101
- Carolyn @ Taking The Time
- Christy @ At The Creek
- Katrina from Katrinas Home
- Lisa @ All That and a Box of Rocks
- Petula @ Its a womans world!
- Stephanie @ A High and Noble Calling
- Ang @ Just an Army Wife, Just A Mommy
- Sue @ Sue’s Family, Fun & Flower Stuff
- Amy @ The Finer Things in Life
- Sky @ Seeryus Mama
- Nici @ PeasAndCoos
- Vanessa @ Military Wife Mayhem
- Sharee from This Young Mom
- Jeanine @ Neenee’s Nook
- Amy Guzman
- Bobbi Janay @ When Did I Go From a Kid to a Grown Up?
- Vanessa @ Life Love Cats Couponing and Chocolate
- Tina @ Tales from Tina
- Joanna @ City Girl Gone Country
- Quirky Momma
- Marci @ Homeschooling – A Life
- Nicole @ A New Normal
- Adventures of a Military Family of 8
- Kim@Mission Mommy
- Carolyn @ Susan @Mommies are people too
- DeAna @ Balancing Act Basics
- Susan @ Monkey Mommy
- Elizabeth @ Suzy Q Homemaker
- klie0500 – God.Family.Life.
- The Domestic Contessa
Thanks to each and every one of you for sharing your list each week with us. Please, feel free to join us this week and link up your to do list for the chance to win that super-sweet etsy find above (in your choice of fabric)! (Note: one winner will be pulled from participating To Do Tuesday-ers on Tuesday, February 23rd)
This week, for my one-year To Do Tuesday anniversary list, here’s what I have planned:
*Buy that fabric (above), because it is made of awesome and just owning it will make me happy
*Try not to eat my body weight in chocolate or sweets, as we have entirely too many in this house at present (dang Valentine’s Day)
*Work out like a madwoman, we’re on dessert overload here
*Get more of my declutterin’ groove on!
*Grocery shopping/print coupons/list for this week
*External hard drive to the computer doctor
*Call IRS (yikes!)Staying on my diet every day* (hello desserts, be kind to momma)
Work out on EAS Active More Workoutsall week?* (Preferably, twice daily. I feel my ass growing already. Damn tasty chocolates!)
*Um. I call “V-day Week Off” – mainly because I’m too scaredy-cat afraid to hop on and see how much I might’ve gained from our feast ‘n stuff. {ahem}
Today’s motivation – celebration! Celebrate everything today – big, small and the in between. I love having celebrations and continuing the festivities days after, like eating birthday cake for breakfast the day after. So much fun! Try it, I bet you’ll love it, too.
Would you like to join us this week for To-Do Tuesday? Start with just a few things. Don’t over-do it your first couple of times. You’ll grow to become a list-a-holic later, start small now, though, k?
Just so you know, you can join us at anytime, it doesn’t have to be on Tuesdays – the list will go up every Tuesday for you to link to, but you can make your list and link to us at any point in the week!
Remember, with “To-Do Tuesday“, we’re attacking our to-do lists each week, blogging about our lists and what we’ve got going on, and sharing it with each other to help keep each other accountable. Everyone should come back here to link up in the MckLinky as the central “To-Do Tuesday Hub” so we can visit who’s participating and offer encouragement to each other throughout the week. Don’t forget to add the “To-Do Tuesday” button to your post, linking back to this post!
Let’s continue to cross items off our list as we go and help support each other in completing our lists! Don’t forget my useful HTML tutorial on how to effectively “cross-out” or √ “check off” your items on your to-do list!
Joining us? Please add your link below (to your To Do Tuesday post, and not the main page of your blog)
Participants for Week 52
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