I woke up to it looking like this, today. Yuck.
It didn’t get any better out the back door, either (much to my dismay). (I’m not sure why I thought it would.)
Rain used to be no problem for me. I used to frolic in it, and happily so. Now, it’s just a let-down. A ruined day. One filled with dread and dreariness and blah. One where I have to hole up at home.
I didn’t expect much to come from this poopie-rainy-no-good day, except maybe a nap with my babies. (Because for whatever reason, I’m always feeling particularly nappish on rainy days, don’t you?)
My toddler had other plans for me, though. She woke up with a monstrous diaper-rash, and was forced to go diaperless to air it out. Little did I know my poopie-rainy day was about to become poop-filled in other ways.
She went poopie in the potty. For the first time. OHMYGOSH!
Hubs and I suddenly noticed she wasn’t around anywhere – he immediately sprinted to the bathroom and called for me. YES! Success! Way to go, Baby Sister! Woohoo!
That is, until she followed me in to the bathroom a little later, only to let me in on a secret – she hadn’t begun on the potty. She had begun on the floor. (Consequences of going diaper-less, of course.)
Even worse? She tried to hide it. She put a box on it, and when she moved the box, she got it in a second spot on the floor. (Why do I have visions of that scene in the movie Big Daddy when Adam Sandler throws newspaper over pee and spilled milk?) “Woot, mommy! I twied to cwean it up, wike a mom!” She shows me, proudly, with a wadded piece of toilet paper in the fray of her poop-parade on the floor.
I gagged, I won’t lie. I freakin’ HATE this part of potty training – the accidents. Yuck!
After cleaning it up and mega-sanitizing (both the floor, AND my hands for having to clean it, eww), she promptly fell asleep.
Apparently, crapping in your princess potty for the first time is tiring work, man.
Baby Dude racked out, too.
Must be nice, that whole, nap on a rainy day thing. Me? I’m still wondering when the next sh–, uh, poop hits the fan. Or should I say, floor. Ahem.
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