All over the web you’ll be seeing recommendations on what to buy this holiday as presents for your loved ones. I could join in and give you some of my ideas on what to get (but then I may tip my hand on what I’m considering for my family)! Instead, just as I turn to my friends for their ideas, I thought I’d share with you what they think, too, and collect them all in one place, giving you all an opportunity to see what tried and true products they’ve used, reviewed and recommend for your family.
Feel free to add your own recommendation link here, or one to a product you think is particularly awesome! In my quest to help you, it might help me find something, too!
Gifts for men
Gifts for women
Gifts for boys
Gifts for girls
Gifts for grandparents
Gifts for friends
Gifts for military
Gifts of green
Gifts for the foodie
Gifts that are homemade
Mom-made (like Etsy)
{Disclosure note: I have received no compensation to do this, other than the satisfaction of helping you (my readers) and them (my fellow blogging friends) with linky love. I am not personally endorsing the listed items above as these have not been personally used by me or my family. These links are to other bloggers’ reviews of the items recommended, so you can get a first hand take on each product before considering purchasing.}
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