I want someone to slap my hand if I ever say that to you. If I don’t look okay to you, and you say to me, “Hey Lisa, are you feeling alright?” and that’s my answer? FREAKIN’ SLAP MY HAND. I’m totally serious.
We are such procrastinators as wives and mothers, aren’t we? Always caring for others, putting ourselves last. We can surely survive another day of feeling craptastic, we aren’t the important ones, our children and husbands are.
This. Must. Stop.
I have come to a realization, with Operation Kick My Own Ass these past two weeks, that recently I’ve been giving MYSELF this excuse.
“Eh, I’m fine, I don’t need to take my vitamin today.”
“Eh, I’m fine, I worked out yesterday.”
“Eh, I’m fine, I can eat this {insert high-calorie food here}. I will work-out later” (And then I don’t.)
“Eh, I’m fine, I’m away from home and can’t work-out, anyway.”
This really must stop.
I’m only sabotaging my health and my well-being by this “Eh, I’m fine” syndrome. And I’m seriously going to try my hardest not to do this to myself anymore. If I don’t feel well, I will take medicine, see the doctor, get rest and fix it! If I’m injured, I won’t push, I will rest and recuperate. I will exercise daily, and not pass the buck to working it off later if I am faced with a high-calorie food in my face. I will stop this madness, take back control, and do my best. But most of all, I’m going to give myself a break. I am only human.
Do you do this “Eh, I’m fine” thing, too?
Join us, will you? You might decide your Mission: Healthier Me is to lose weight, or cut out soda, or to make healthier choices, or incorporate exercise daily. Whatever you choose, choose something healthy, that’s it! And follow along with us while we support one another to achieve our missions together. We plan to post every week on Fridays what we’re up to and how we’re doing.
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