This was our last “official” unbusy weekend. That is, if you can call character dress-up, playing outside all weekend and getting together with friends to go to a birthday party “unbusy.”
This upcoming weekend is my son’s 7th birthday, our big yard/moving sale, and possibly my son’s last baseball game. By the next weekend after this, our stuff will be packed and we’ll be out of here.
It’s happening, friends. So scary fast.
And, in true, Lisa-like fashion, I’m fighting the change, despite my desperately wanting this process to be over and our move to San Antonio complete. I look forward to being homeowners for the first time, and redecorating and planting and all the myriad of excellent things that go with getting a brand-new house.
You see, I often seek the comforts in home, and being considered a “home body” despite my love of travel. The idea of crazy movers who wish to attempt to pack our stuff IN ONE FREAKIN’ DAY? That scares me! I’ll be lucky if my stuff makes it to our new home in one piece!
(Yes, you read that correctly. The head-mover dude who visited us for our pre-move inspection last week feels the “first scheduled day” the packers are supposed to be here will be too “busy” for them to actually “get to us,” forcing them to do our entire five-bedroom home in one day, and continue to pack while the movers are here packing the truck on moving day. When the packers rush, they cut corners, and my stuff will be broken as a result. Believe it.)
As I’m sure you can surmise, I’ve been popping Nerve Tonic and spraying Rescue Remedy like crazy trying to remain calm. It’s amazing how stressful this process is.
But this weekend’s beautiful 70-degree weather, chock-filled with giggling kidlets and the sun shining was exactly what I needed.
He had to dress up as a person from history. |
Skating with BFFs #winning |
Look, ma! No hands! |
Dirty toddlers playing army men. Does it GET any better?? |
Despite my looking like ass-flakes, I love cuddling with my dudes. |
So, what did YOU do this weekend?
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