One week after we closed, here I am, able to get online for the first time.
One week after we closed, we are almost 80% unpacked.
We closed on a Tuesday, and opened the door to our new home soon thereafter.
The carpets are as plush as the bathroom rugs you get at Target – so buttery soft beneath my toes. I have outlawed shoes being worn on them.
The kitchen has black appliances with “wheat” colored countertops, and hides toast crumbs well.
New kids bedroom furniture has been purchased and assembled, much to my husband’s chagrin.
Lawn (almost) taking root. (And is killing us with this twice-a-day watering, since our lot is so large.)
New appliances purchased. Bright, shiny, and so lovingly making my household duties easier.
Bedrooms almost finished.
Our house is almost done.
I was sitting on our front lawn while the kids rode their scooters and bikes. Baby Dude went walking with my oldest, rounded the corner, and came running into my arms. “Mommy, I wanna doe (go) in my house,” he said to me.
“Where’s your house, baby?”
“Dere (there)!”
And he pointed to our new house behind me. {heartswell}
We were shopping for new bedding for the kids yesterday, and I filled out a customer discount card for “Anna’s Linens” and on the form they asked the question “Do you own or rent?”
For the first time in my entire life, I was able to check “Own.”
Pardon my absence while I revel in being a first-time homeowner for a little while longer. I’m busy playing house like I did when I was a child – dusting everything just-so, perfecting the decor, the furniture position, practically spit-shining it all to keep it new, and driving myself crazy constantly picking up after the kids. But I can’t stop doing it, I am just too proud to stop loving it this way, despite my dragged-butt exhaustion.
And for those who are asking (you know who you are), I will post pictures of our completed house soon. As soon as the chaos ceases, and we feel a little more settled.
(P.S. In the meantime, since I’m back online and missed you all, can you fill me in? What have I missed?)
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