You may have noticed a black bar on the top of my website today, as well as my avatar on my Twitter & Facebook accounts depicting black tape over my mouth.
Today, January 18th, the internet is being “blacked out” to lend support to the STOP SOPA/PIPA movement (SOPA=Stop Online Piracy Act. PIPA= Protect IP Act). If these damaging “anti-piracy” bills are passed, would censor the free internet as you know it. Your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, favorite websites and blogs, all content user-generated as you know it, could and would be censored. Blocked.
Google has a quick, succinct and easy way to help you contact Congress and let them know your vote is NO. Or, watch these videos for more information about what SOPA/PIPA can mean for the internet, small businesses, social networking, and much more.
Do you have a website and want to support this blackout, too? Add the following code to your header to get a bar like mine:
Replace xyz with the width value of your header, masthead or website (i.e. 1100px).
Use to edit your avatar to add text to say “STOP SOPA & PIPA” like I did.
Visit to find out what you can do to help stop SOPA and PIPA from happening.
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