It’s Fridayyyyyyy, yes! And yes, this week we’re bringin’ the funny!
I don’t know about you, but on bad days (like today is for me), I could use an extra hefty dose of the giggles, inappropriate or no. Bookmark this to save for an especially unhappy day to help cheer you up, okay?
Probably one of the most memorable humor posts from my repertoire, Baby Dude’s first time eating solid food.
Jessica humorously breaks up with Oreos. OH YES SHE DID!
What happens when the kids go away to visit grandparents? Amy details deliciously her fun account of actual SLEEPING! EATING a REAL MEAL! Going to PARTIES and WORKING OUT and other fun, adult-type things we parents never get to do without constant interruption.
This is what happens when you use one of those 3D model “hair do” websites to try on new haircuts. OMG, be prepared for David Lee Roth, Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber, and finger-waves gone horrifically wrong.
Rajean shares the story of her first Ash Wednesday and the mistake she made. Oops!
You DON’T want to MISS reading about Erin’s inappropriate co-worker. Hilarious!
Andrea talks about the elephant in the ladies bathroom – the squat.
A pictorial account of my toddler’s impression of going Mortal Kombat on my husband’s junk. Hilarious.
Shana relives her day of doom. I’m still LOL’ing at “Jedi mind f**k your garage door opener into not working.”
Angela England juggling time management while being a mother, check!
Trying to curtail the potty mouth? Read Kim Tracy Prince‘s hilarious account of dropping the wipes and her subsequent undesired reaction. (But be forewarned, she didn’t succeed.)
Erma, Esther and Ethel who? Rajean shares this funny conversation about pop culture with her daughter.
Some of my favorite “pee your pants” funny websites:
Hyperbole and a Half – So many funny ones to choose from, but this and this are hilarious!
The Bloggess – One of Jenny’s best ever posts about Beyonce the Metal Chicken.
Oh Noa – It was THIS post that made me a fan after seeing her read it live at BlogHer last year.
How To Be A Dad – Andy and Charlie are KILLING it over there, particularly with posts like Baby Sleep Positions.
What websites are your favorites to read for some laughs? Do you have any funny posts to share with me to help cheer me up?