I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for fun things to do with kids during summer vacation. I’ve vowed to make 2013 rock, and so every day this summer (and some days more than once), I’m going to be doing something special, something awesome, and fun for (and with) my kids. I hope you’ll join me!
Unfortunately, not every day of summer is going to be a sunny one. It’s eventually going to rain on your summer parade at some point. The good news is, because it’s always warm during the summer, you can TOTALLY not let the rain ruin your outdoor plans. (Unless it was a picnic. Soggy sandwiches, bleh. Heh.) My kids enjoyed the cooler-than-normal weather and broke out their bikes and continued on as normal riding bikes in the rain. Yes!
I had them put on some old play clothes (hence why they don’t match) and get as wet as they wanted. I kept towels handy by the front door, and they changed into their regular clothes when they came in. I could’ve let them play in bathing suits, but I feel old clothes work a little better in the rain, with mud and stuff they might get on themselves, you know?
Money-saving tip: When it rains, you obviously don’t have to water your grass. Put out your potted plants from your porch to absorb the rain, too, so you can avoid watering them, too. I have the kids help me do this, it helps get them warmed up to playing in the rain, as we’re getting wet 🙂
What about you? Do your kids like playing in the rain?
Be sure to check out my new “Fun Things To Do with Kids During Summer Vacation” page, where all our fun summer ideas will be indexed 🙂