2013 is going to be a fantastic year – a year where we collectively focus on the happy and the joy in our lives. What makes you happy? What is it that you do that you can’t get enough of? What makes your soul shine, your eyes beam, and your insides sparkle? |
Happiness is so very many things for me, and on Wednesdays I plan on sharing the answer to that. Every week, here, on Twitter, on Instagram and Facebook. You can follow along by using the hashtag #happinessis on Twitter and Instagram. |
HOLY BIG OOPS, BATMAN! This post was set to go up yesterday and never did. And I was hip-deep into a huge cleaning frenzy, and didn’t slow down ALL DAY, including grocery shopping, to come home last night, wiped completely, without realizing it never went up! Whoopsie! 🙂 But I never, ever miss a week of happiness, and I don’t plan on missing out now!
Happiness is… finally learning the ding-dang settings on my camera from AdventureCon this weekend!