Every time we’ve upgraded our cellular devices, we’ve kept our old phones. I think there’s only been one occasion where my phone was so broken, it wasn’t kept, because I begged them to take it and give me a new one. Otherwise, we’ve got phones clogging up junk drawers and kid buckets here. The kids sure do love to pretend to play phone on ’em, but I’d really rather them use actual phone toys to do it. I never knew what can you do with our old devices? It didn’t feel right to just throw them away, you know?
About a month or so ago, when we were in our local Verizon store desperately trying to fix my husband’s phone, I saw a sign by their door for Verizon Hopeline. There they had a box in store where you could drop your old device to help Verizon HopeLine provide wireless phones and cash grants to local shelters and non-profit organizations throughout the country that focus on domestic violence prevention and awareness. What an AMAZING initiative, right? Now, with the Verizon HopeLine app, you can learn how and where to donate those old phones and help give a voice to survivors of domestic violence, too.
I hope you’ll join me in boxing up our old phones to send them to Verizon Hopeline.
For more information about Hopeline, please visit www.verizonwireless.com/hopeline