The wind was so strong, it was blowing flowers off and our porch was covered in rose petals everywhere. I knew it would be a perfect day for kite flying, the kids had only been begging us since we bought them last week, it just hadn’t been windy enough to do it… until now.
She had no idea what she was doing. She simply held on as tight as she could and shook with excitement as her kite flickered and flew overhead.
Without doing anything spectacular on her own, it just flew all by itself, she just held on for dear life.
Meanwhile, her sisters and brothers were around, flying theirs, too.
Each of the kids had friends over to help them fly – it didn’t seem to matter what the age, even the older kids wanted a crack at it.
And with that powerful wind, boy howdy, did they ever fly.
That sun.. that sun was delicious.
The sky was a perfect shade of blue for their kite-flying backdrop.
And Baby V’s faces – OhMyGosh!!! She couldn’t have been more animated about flying a kite.
There’s no doubt about it – not only was this a perfect day for kite flying, but kite flying is one of those ageless things you can do with your kids.
Have you been kite-flying lately?