This is a sponsored post on behalf of Jimmy Dean®.
We knew moving here that my husband was going to have to commute a little (no worse than he did in San Antonio). With his new position and new demands for his time, he can’t come home for lunch like he used to some years ago. He has to remain on post, and is at the mercy of what’s available restaurant-wise for him, or he’ll bring something from home.
If you’ve followed this site for some time, you already know how big our family is, and how much food we prepare for each meal. We’re diligent about preparing enough to make leftovers for the kids for school lunches, but what we don’t factor is sometimes is how hungry they are for dinner. Sometimes, they eat more than we were expecting them to. Sometimes, there simply isn’t enough, leftover-wise, to bring for lunch the next day. And, being the good daddy that my husband is, the person who usually gets the lunch-shaft in this scenario is him. Which leaves him lunch-less, unless there are other leftovers available, or something quick and handy.
Enter in new Jimmy Dean® and Jimmy Dean Delights® frozen lunch or dinner entrées available at Walmart. (Yes, THAT Jimmy Dean! They’re not just for breakfast anymore!)
We find ourselves SO STUCK at times, completely unprepared when we don’t have enough leftovers. With the extra deep freezer in the garage, do you know how handy it is for him to run out to the garage, pop one of these into his bag for work, and head out in the mornings?
Do you know how great it feels to know that he’s got something tasty and healthy to eat? That we no longer have to rely on unhealthy fast food in these scenarios? (Fast food is not only NOT healthy, but it’s not good for our wallets, either.)
My husband’s on a health kick lately, too, so he’s loving that these Delights bowls are 300 calories or less!
Instead of eating these in a bowl, he takes along a wrap or two and eats a side salad, too!
If you’re looking for a quick, tasty, healthy solution for lunch that doesn’t break your pocketbook, check these out at Walmart!
Be sure to follow them on social media, too, for more delicious more-than-breakfastness!
Hi, I’m Lisa! Welcome to my perfectly imperfect corner of the web where I've chronicled my life as a mom to "eleventy-billion" kids since 2007! Here I share posts with our family-friendly recipes, crafts and creating art, traveling as a big family, reliving my youth endlessly dancing to 90's music, and documenting our adventurous life while sipping coffee and basking in the delicious Colorado sunshine.