Don’t let credit get you down in the new year after all that holiday spending! Check out and improve your credit score today!
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Improve Your Credit Score with
With the holiday season finally upon us, holiday spending time has also arrived. Whether your holiday spending is for trips, presents, or big-ticket items you’ve been waiting for all year (hello Black Friday sales!), the holidays may undoubtedly have an impact on your spending – and your credit score! But your credit score is not set in stone, and it changes regularly.
I’ll never forget it, the day I pulled my first free credit report and saw a bunch of things being reported wrongly. Back then, the internet was a thing, but nowhere what it is today. I was in college, I was using my dorm’s computer center to request the form, which then gets mailed or can be printed immediately (which I did). I took a sharpie and highlighter and circled things, wrote notes, and dug in to fixing it.
Not everyone realizes the importance of checking your credit regularly, let alone for free yearly. It is highly important! How will you know if your identity has been compromised? If that credit card you closed was reported as such properly? How do you know who is looking at your credit with soft or hard checks, or if your car loan isn’t accidentally listed twice?
If you checked your credit today, would you know what to do with your reports if something is being reported errantly? That’s what is all about, helping consumers fix their credit reports to reflect the actual facts, and to help develop a healthier relationship with your credit report, score, and debt! is a leading provider of credit report repair services in the United States. They are a team of credit professionals who educate and empower individuals to achieve the credit scores they deserve.‘s mission is to empower every individual to achieve the credit scores they deserve and enjoy a lifestyle of greater opportunity. They focus on customers’ stories and determination to develop a healthier relationship with their credit, and make a significant, long-lasting lifestyle change that can provide access to their financial dreams. believes everyone has a right to: Achieve their dreams. Increase their ability. Enjoy a lifestyle of greater opportunity. Their professionals offer free personalized credit consultation, credit report summary, score evaluation and a strategic game plan on how to improve your credit score! CreditRepair’s technology provides members with a personal online dashboard, a credit score tracker and analysis, creditor and bureau interactions, texts and email alerts, mobile apps, and credit monitoring.
I don’t know about you, but I’m planning for my future. Not just retirement, mind you, but upcoming travel and vacations, a new minivan, and home improvement projects. By being smart about credit usage during the holidays and cleaning up my credit the right way (with the help of, I know I am working smarter not harder in order to achieve my financial goals!
Is your New Year’s resolution to have a better financial year than this one? Got a few goals you’ve got for 2020 and your credit score being improved could make a huge impact in achieving that goal? Then is for you! Let’s start the new year on the right foot credit-wise! Your credit score is not written in stone, and you are more than a credit score. But your credit won’t fix itself. Get help from today with a free consultation and kickstart your credit repair efforts!