Hurry Up and Wait
For anyone who’s lived the military life, you know that phrase all too well. Usually it’s regarding deployments, or long sought after reunions with our …
For anyone who’s lived the military life, you know that phrase all too well. Usually it’s regarding deployments, or long sought after reunions with our …
My 18 month old (as of tomorrow), while throwing a fit because my husband had to run out this morning, turned and punched me in …
This morning’s are particularly giggle-worthy 🙂 Enjoy! On the way to school…. My 8 year old: Did you know they faught a war at the …
My 3 year old is holding a vacuum attachment at the table, blowing through it, sounding like a wheezing Darth Vader. So I say “Hey …
*My 1 year olds sparkle in her eye when this obnoxiously loud singing doll’s chest gets pressed, causing her to bop up and down doing …
… your fixing yourself a bowl for dinner, Barbeque Cubed Chicken on a Mixed Green Salad, while giving your 8 and 3 year old sons …
(Foreward, I promise you were aren’t a genital-centered family, it’s just a fascination for my 3 year old at present, heh) I’m changing my youngest. …
3 year old:”Mommy, I wost (lost) my smile.” Me: “What did you do with it?” 3 year old:” I fink (think) an awien (alien) took …