Sung to the tune of “Hokey Pokey”
You put the roll in!
They use it all up!
You go to the bathroom, and now you’re all out!
You do the TP shuffle, knowing you’re home all alone..
What are you gonna do now?
As I was cleaning up the other day, I saw the half bath downstairs was out of TP. So I changed it, and proceeded upstairs with some laundry, in my crusade to tackle Mt. Washmore. As I picked up wayward laundry, I spotted the master bathroom being out of TP as well. Before being given the chance to get a replacement roll, while I was sorting laundry, someone went in to use the master bathroom. Seconds later I hear “Moooom, can you bring me some toilet paper please?”
I send my 7 year old son downstairs to get the roll from the walk in linen closet off the half bath. In the meantime, I borrow the roll from the kids’ bathroom to give right now. When my son comes upstairs, I take the roll from him, put it in the kids’ bathroom, since I “borrowed” it from there. Perfect, I think to myself.
An hour or so later, I’m downstairs preparing dinner, and I have to use the bathroom myself, so I use the half bath just off the hallway. Sit down, do my thing, and go to reach for the TP and realize… my 7 year old “borrowed” the TP from this room, to bring it upstairs, instead of getting a fresh roll not but 2 feet from here, in the walk-in linen closet I’m now staring at, lots of toilet paper to offer him, but he took this bathroom’s roll instead.
You do the TP…. Shuffle!
You do the TP…. Shuffle!
You do the TP….. Shuffle!
That’s what it’s all about!
How funny! And typical in a family with kids. hehehe… I’ve done the TP shuffle many times.>>I, too, am looking to conquer Mt. Laundry… who knows if I’ll ever really do it though. 😉 Good to see you!