Cleaning up after the holidays is like trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole. It just ain’t gonna happen.
I feel like I’ve just ran a marathon wearing all six of my children. At the same time. I’m exhausted.
Regardless of having the house nice and sparkly clean for us to come home to after our week long war visit with my parents, within 12 hours it was mass chaos all over again, with more gifts to be opened, more packaging and garbage to be thrown away, and a mom amidst the flurry of paper and gifts trying to make sense of it all, me.
I need a vacation from my holiday. Is it too late to put that on my Christmas list with Christmas being over already?
Nonetheless, despite us wanting to have a more from-the-heart, less-is-more holiday being lean and giving more meaningful items needed/wanted, my children made out like bandits, well beyond what I would’ve dreamt them to have, thanks to our many relatives. My children have so very much already, and I just feel overwhelmed by how much they received, how lucky they are, and so enormously spoiled. And of course there is guilt, guilt that they have so much, guilt that they received so very much more, guilt.. overwhelming guilt.
We celebrated a bazillion Christmases, with our family, our extended families times a bunch, who came in this day, who saw us this time. Christmas for us is no longer just one day, it’s a week if not more of almost every day doing the present/unwrapping/cleaning up/breaking up fights over and over again.
Mommy is wiped. Mommy doesn’t want to celebrate anymore. Mommy wants to take her toys and go home, now.
Psst, come check out my first post over at the brand spankin’ new Happy to be at Home!