Thank you so much for particpating! The lucky winner of the CD and hoodie is….
joannaonthelake said…
My favorite song from this soundtrack is “Don’t You Want Me” from The Human League. I have always loved this song from the moment I heard it years ago! It is upbeat, love the lyrics and it is totally a song you can dance your feet off too! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
[email protected]
Joanna on the Lake! CONGRATULATIONS! Please email me your home address and hoodie size to crazyadventuresinparenting at gmail dot com so I can get your information over to One2OneNetwork and get your CD and hoodie out to you! Yay!
For those who didn’t win, stay tuned for another CD giveaway, SIGNED BY THE ARTIST HIMSELF (*cough*SEAL*cough*) and for other upcoming goodies as well!
It ‘pays’ to stay connected to me and my blog, as it earns you automatic entries into all of my contests 😉
Thanks so much for participating! Happy Friday the 13th and Happy Valentine’s Day!
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That was awesome. I love it!
{Giggle} Thank you, Laura!
OMG this is AWESOME!
Can I be YOU when I grow up!?!?!?! 🙂
ROFL, you and I are scarily alike. I say that phrase all the time (despite actually being an adult already). Sheesh, we’re like freakin’ twins, man. When the heck do you move stateside again?
We were supposed to be movin in December, but we’re stop-moved for yet
another deployment over here 😛
Rain check? 😉
Lisa, has anyone ever told you that you have balls? So brave! Great job!
Thank you, Brandy! I’m still in shock I just did that. LOL!
Since you said milkshake, literally, did all that bouncing around make butter?
We have coffee mugs very similar. A MUST for school mornings. I love the looks I get rolling up to the bus stop with one of those.
He he he. I looooove my mugs. I get REALLYSUPERUPSET if I can’t use one of ’em in the morning. The other mugs just don’t compare. Size DOES matter – in coffee mug-land. 😉
LMAO very cute! And WOW that mug….we eat soup out of those mugs.
Thank you! Yeah, I love me my soup-bowl mug! Heh. <3
That was AWESOME!! Yes, I was going to comment on that coffee cup too. LOL Moms need that much to keep going!
I love this song. Haven’t heard it in forever. Great song!
And I feel your pain. Man, I have so many deadlines and between the fighting, the dishes and the “Honey, I am running out of clean boxers,” I just don’t know how to get them done. Oh yeah, and I waste time surfing other blogs like this, but the waste of time is TOTALLY worth it. It keeps me happy and motivated 🙂
Thank you! It’s totally one of my most favortist songs EVER! (Yeah, I just made up that word.) You are entirely too cute, I can’t wait to squoosh you at BlogHer!
Awesome job Lisa!
Thanks Holly! Will I be seeing you again at BlogHer or TypeA? 🙂
Unfortunately not Lisa. I have too many things going on to take time off from work for either.
Look at your skinny ass! I hate you. With love. Ok, I just hate that your ass is so skinny and mine is like, 10 times the size. Shake it baby!
OMG LMAO Gosh, I love you so much. Seriously, where have you been all my life? <3 Can I move you in?? 🙂
Lisa – YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Whoo hoo….we need more dancing mamas.
Yes, Zippy! Yes! Thank you! Definitely need more dancing mamas (and ways for blog posts and articles to type themselves, to leave more time for it!) He he he
Well alrighty then! Haha that was awesome sauce dahlin! You rock!
Love it!
I love this song! And yes..we need more dancing mamas! You are great and your coffe mugs are beautiful. I admire you so much! So brave! 🙂
😀 OMGosh! That was so fun to watch; you had me cracking up and bopping my head too. Girl, you sure can move and groove. Fabulous! I’ve never heard that song, but I like it! Now it’s playing in my head. You got me thinking of turning on some music and doing a little dancing while I try to get my mojo. There’s some jazz/classical on in the living room, but since I still have my yoga clothes on I might as well do a little jamming! Thanks for the boost!
Now that’s a coffee cup! lol