Husband: “Here…” {Fishing into his pocket, hands me coupons he obtained while on his grocery excursion}
Me: I’m thumbing through them, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at our newest papery money-saving tools. I come across one I had handed him, though, for the excursion. “Did they not have this in stock honey?”
Husband: “Oh no, they did, I got it, but it had a better coupon on the box, so I used that one instead.”
Me: Amazed. Thinking, in a Star Wars kind of way, ‘The force is strong within him.’ So I say, “That’s one of the sexiest things you’ve ever said to me.”
Husband: Laughs at me. Hard.
Daughter: “You guys are weird!”
True dat.
You know you’re getting old when Love is thinking your husband is sexy for his coupon-getting skills. Rawr!
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