If this is your first time reading and you’re wondering what To-Do Tuesday is all about, click to check out the first post to find out more.
So, here’s the scoop. I apparently suck at getting my list completed. {blush} I’m just putting on too much that I can’t possibly accomplish, the over-achiever that I am. I just can’t do it, despite me liking to think that I can. I can’t. I just can’t. And the fact that there are things on this list week after week unchecked ticks me off, to be honest.
I really can’t seem to move on over to do some of these things, because I have eleventy-billion other things happening. Soccer just ended, thankfully, freeing up some extra time, now, but my husband just began rotation, which is his busiest time at work, leaving me to wrangle the kids alone a lot of times. Just me.
And the thing that kills me is, I’ve been working out, and getting fitness really in there. I’ve been spending some A-MA-ZING time with my children, too. Pretty soon I’m going to have to work gardening and watering plants on into this equation.
I am just doing too much.
So, in an effort to cut myself some slack, and in an effort to appear like I can actually complete a list once in a while, as opposed to never, I’m keepin’ mine manageable this week.
Must Do
(This is the important stuff, or stuff on every week)
Finish letter for housing w/ pictures- Grocery shop
- Work Out at least 30-60 minutes a day
- Weekly cleaning
- Tuesday – BathroomsOut front
- Wednesday – BedroomsOut back
Thursday – KitchenClean out van
Friday – Living room/side room
Saturday – Dining Room
Sunday, Monday offBlogging:
- Respond to emails every other day 1,3,5,7
- Respond to comments every other day 2,4,6
- Check reader, attempt to clean out, perhaps clean it up a bit
- Write posts:
- Busy Mom Fitness Series posts
- post about frames project
- indent tutorial
- tagline contest
- this weeks post for H2B@H
- this week’s post for TypeAMom
- post new contests
- Vlog for NewBaby.com
- start posting queued reviews here
- Tackle It Tuesday/Blissfully Domestic
- Wordless/Wordful Wednesday
- Thankful Thursday Thirteen, A Thousand Words Thursday
- other posts in queue
If I can manage to complete the above, then and only then am I allowed to even consider doing anything else ever previously listed. Ever.
So… I think I can do that. I want to do that. I think every other day on comments and emails will help, and if there’s time I can get it done and save myself the next day’s work, you know?
These lists have truly helped me, in so many ways, get my head back on straight. Housework gets done in a way I can get it done. Blogging and emailing and all of that, it’s straight. What I’m having the most trouble with is uninterrupted time. I go to bed at a normal time again, instead of up all night, so my late night uninterrupted time is no more.
You see my dilemma now, don’t you?
Would you like to join us this week for To-Do Tuesday? I promise this isn’t anywhere near as hard as I’m making it on myself. Making these lists isn’t difficult (unless you’re me and trying too hard to do too much like me)! Start with a few things. Don’t over-do it. Look at me, see me as your example there.
Just so you know, you can join us at anytime, it doesn’t have to be on Tuesdays – the list will go up every Tuesday for you to link to, but you can make your list and link to us at any point in the week!
Remember, with “To-Do Tuesday“, we’re attacking our to-do lists each week, blogging about our lists and what we’ve got going on, and sharing it with each other to help keep each other accountable. Everyone should come back here to link up in the Mister Linky as the central “To-Do Tuesday Hub” so we can visit who’s participating and offer encouragement to each other throughout the week. Don’t forget to add the “To-Do Tuesday” button to your post, linking back to this post!
Let’s continue to cross items off our list as we go and help support each other in completing our lists! Don’t forget my useful HTML tutorial on how to effectively “cross-out” or “check off” your items on your to-do list!
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