(Oh my word, am I ever tired. Did you see the first title of this post? It originally read “What’s Your Favorite Post of Mine?” I then changed it, so you could vote for more than one, to supposedly read “What Are…” but instead? My non-sleeping self wrote “What’s Are…” Big DUH. Wow. I need a nap. STAT!)
Today I want to tackle a favorite posts section on my blog. Everyone out there recommends that you should have a “recommended posts” widget, or area on your sidebar, for new readers to get caught up on ‘oldies but goodies’. Or if you’re creative, or you don’t want to clog up your sidebar further, you can go bigger and better with a button and create a page of your “greatest hits” of all time.
But how do you choose? Is it your favorite posts, or your readers favorite posts?
So, I decided to do both. I’m picking my favorite posts, and I’ll pick yours, too. What else is really cool about doing this? If you haven’t read back into some of your favorite blogs’ archives, now you can, and help them as well! It also gives you the opportunity to get to know your favorite bloggers a bit better, unless you read them from the start.
Now.. what are favorite posts of mine? 🙂 Give me 3, 5, however many you consider your favorites. Just comment below with which you liked the best. They could be ones you thought were funny, or ones you thought were cute, or ones you thought you could relate to most, or moved you, or ones that are just plain silly.
Or, if you’re a new reader, or it’s your first time, would you mind navigating through my archive section for a few minutes today, and see what pops out to you, and read a few? If my posts interest you, awesome, read on if you’d like! If not, no harm, thank you for your time anyway! 🙂
Whatever your reason for choosing, I don’t want to base it solely on posts with the highest number of comments, or then all my contest posts would win, haha!
I think this might be fun! Want to join me? If you decide to do this on your blog, too, please let me know in the comments – I’ll hop over there and vote for my faves of yours too!
For more tackles, visit 5M4M! (Don’t forget to vote in m sidebar for how you prefer to respond to comments in blogs!)
Oh, and more Busy Mom Fitness in a few!
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