You know me, you know I’m a huge organic/all-natural nut. For MomDot’s big birthday celebration for Trisha, I wanted to showcase a few of my favorite product choices, and give some away, too. I hope you don’t mind 🙂
(NOTE: There are 3 total giveaways here, be sure to visit all 3!)
You see, being organic and all-natural nuts fans, we are constantly on the hunt for new things for our family to try. You know, organics aren’t limited to fruits, veggies, dairy and meat. Almost anything sold today has an organic counterpart, now, as organic and all-natural versions of our favorite items are popping up every which way (which is something I’ve been preaching saying for years, but I’ll save that diatribe for another day), down to the smallest, usually most unhealthy things you’ll find – candy.
You might wonder how we handle the candy situation with holidays like Valentines, Easter and Christmas. You know, those times which are famous for candy-distribution? When it’s up to us to purchase the candy (as gifts), we buy all-natural and organic candies, and they aren’t hard to find, either. Walmart, Whole Foods, ToysRUs sell these, to name a few. At Halloween we trade our children – they give us everything they’ve collected from our neighbors, and in return, get safe, all-natural, organic candy from us as a result. It’s a win/win – they get to partake in candy and we ensure what they’re eating isn’t laden with artificial-this and chemicals we can’t pronounce.
My first favorite product I’m discussing today, as I’ve warmed you up in discussions about holidays and treats, obviously appeals to those of you with a love of all things sweet – candy.
Surf Sweets is an all-natural candy, made with organic fruit juice and sweeteners, using no corn syrup and free of artificial colors or flavors. We are believers of living without all that gobble-de-gook, and so this company and it’s products are totally right up our alley.
First thing that impresses me about Surf Sweets, is that this company walks-the-walk as they talk-the-talk. Look (make it bigger so you can read)! Look at the material that was given to me:
They had me at recycled. Fo’ shizzle. And then they go and send me a big box, and to my surprise, their idea of samples for us to try is this:
Whoa. I seriously heard angels singing when the box opened, harps playing, all because the heaven of all-natural candies arrived at my doorstep. My kids IMMEDIATELY freaked like it was Christmas and Surf Sweets was Santa-come-early, insisting on opening everyone of them rightthatverysecond to try. And you know what the beauty part of having organic or all-natural candy is? No spazzing. And so you know what we did? We opened ’em all up. Every. Single. One.
Oh we sampled a little of this…
I don’t think there is anything better than sitting down and sharing some fun with your kids. It could be coloring, it could be watching a movie, or a walk, or playing outside, or something sweet like candy. The giggles were absolutely infectious while we snacked away, along with the “oohs” and “oh, mommy, *this* one is my favorite!” or the sharing and *gasp* getting along!
Surf Sweets are ridiculously yum. 100% Vitamin C baby! Did you happen to see in that picture above that the Super Sour Gummi Worms, Gummy Swirls and Fruity Bears were vegetarian, too? I highly encourage you to go on over and check each and every product out. Drool a little, too (just make sure it isn’t on your keyboard). They’re worth it. Totally, completely and utterly worth my “Crazy Family of 8” Seal of Approval!
Oh, and another thing I’m loving about Surf Sweets? They’ve got their own contest going on right now which involves your kids and drawings! After you enter here, go on over, check it out and download the entry form and enter your kids, will you?
Win It! – CLOSED
Want to win a gift basket o’ goodness from Surf Sweets?
To enter, comment here and tell me which of the six candies would be your first choice! Be sure to leave an email address, especially if one isn’t in your blogger profile, or if you aren’t a blogger.
For additional entries (each entry is 1 entry, and each must be commented separately):
- Become a fan of Surf Sweets on Facebook!
- Join the Surf Sweets community and get coupons, updates and newsletters! (must provide email address for verification)
- Check out the Surf Sweets blog and leave a comment! (1 entry for each comment, leave the link of the post you comment on)
- Subscribe or follow my blog (if you already do, it counts!**)
- Follow me on Twitter. I’m CrazyAdventures (if you already do, it counts!**)
- Stumble, Kirtsy, or Digg this post! (1 entry each site)
- Tweet this post on Twitter! (1 entry per tweet – unlimited entries available)
**It ‘pays’ to stay connected to me and my blog, as it earns you automatic entries into all of my contests! (Plus, you might like to hang out with me. We’ll do lunch, whatcha think?) {giggle}
Winner will be chosen using Contest ends Sunday, May 31st, at 10pm CST
*EDIT* Winner is #21
- Congrats Kate from MomTrend!!!
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May 2, 2009 12:09 PM