My youngest? He was seemingly well on his way to being inducted into that super-secret Sleep-However Academy™ after his Disney nap. Now he’s an official card-carrying member. Check it:
He is so my son. As a child, I was such a huge fan of sleeping with one arm off the bed, drooping down the right side. (Oh, and if you’re concerned that he couldn’t breathe with his baby head smooshed up against the rail, I ensured you with photographic proof below he was fine. Doesn’t hurt that it was an awesomely cute shot, too)
Yup. Drool and all. Thank goodness for microfiber!
Here are a few additional funny sleepy poses I’ve taken as-of-late. My toddler, so worn out from a day of swimming:
And my five-year-old who is infamous for his sleeping positions. Here, he’s sleeping on the couch, seemingly standing up.
I imagine this will make for some interested blog fodder next week at BlogHer – who knows how my youngest is gonna conk out there…
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Meet Lisa!
Hi, I’m Lisa! Welcome to my perfectly imperfect corner of the web where I've chronicled my life as a mom to "eleventy-billion" kids since 2007! Here I share posts with our family-friendly recipes, crafts and creating art, traveling as a big family, reliving my youth endlessly dancing to 90's music, and documenting our adventurous life while sipping coffee and basking in the delicious Colorado sunshine.