He doesn’t know it yet, but inside that box? Is a birthday gift for him.
Yes, I said it. His first birthday is on the 27th.
{jaw drop}
OHMYGOD, I can’t believe I just said that. I can’t believe he’s going to be one.
As I sit, laying here, watching this boy smile and giggle and make a racket, my little happy-go-lucky baby dude, all wide-eyed and happily playing, banging along on this box. It’s like the best damn thing he’s ever seen, and he doesn’t even know that in it lays a surprise for him.
He doesn’t know how much he is loved, that it will be his first birthday, he just knows that this box is fun, and mommy is busy snapping away with her camera at him and his sister playing drums and climbing all over it.
Who needs a birthday gift, really. This box’ll do just fine.
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